
Switzerland jobs

About Switzerland

Schools in Switzerland operate at extremely high standards within Europe. Home to some of the most exclusive and oldest schools in the world, they have established systems in place. Class sizes are small, and parents take a hands-on approach to their children’s education.

Due to the high standards, schools are very strict with requirements for teachers. However, they’re extremely well-funded, supporting a vibrant school environment with excellent teaching facilities.

Teaching roles in Switzerland are highly sought after; the competition is fierce due to the brilliant career opportunities and higher than average salaries available. Academic expectations on average are higher than the rest of Europe and students have a strong desire to learn and achieve the best they possibly can. A teacher’s dream come true!

How to get a teaching job in Switzerland

To teach English in Switzerland most schools within the private sector of Switzerland will request that you have a Bachelor’s degree and an ESL teaching qualification, for example a TEFL certificate. Training may also be provided by the school.

Generally, your teaching qualification needs to be recognised by The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). You will then be entitled to work across Switzerland. However, you must be hired by the relevant authority.

Read our blog to find out more about living and working in Switzerland.

Looking to teach in Switzerland?

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