

At Hogarth, children are at the heart of everything we do, we are all passionate about keeping safe, our well being and our learning. 

At Hogarth Academy, the children are the stars; they are friendly , happy and proud to be at our school. Children at Hogarth have a genuine love of learning ; ask them about our Creative Super Investigator days!

Children at Hogarth know their role is to work their brain as hard as they can all day every day in school and visitors always comment upon how quiet and purposeful our learning environment is, as well as how well behaved, polite and well mannered the children are at any time of the day.

We are continuously developing and refining our curriculum to ensure it is exciting and challenging for all our pupils. We aim to broaden our pupils cultural capital and deepen their knowledge through excellent pedagogy , visits, visitors and new technology thus ensuring learning is committed to their long term memory.

Visions & Values

Our Vision for children at Hogarth Academy is …

At Hogarth Academy, children are at the heart of everything we do, we are all passionate about keeping safe, our well-being and our learning. Hogarth children will stand out as responsible respectful and resilient learners with EMPOWERED to ACHIEVE. Our high-quality creative teaching ensuring great academic achievement for all our children engendering in them a DRIVE for lifelong learning. Hogarth Academy , where children LEAD the learning.

Our Vision is driven by our values of LEAD, EMPOWER, ACHIEVE and DRIVE throughout the school. 

L.E.A.D. Academy

The creation of the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust is a natural progression of our belief in a partnership ethos and our determination to ensure that more young people receive an exceptional education.As a high performing primary school we were eligible to apply for academy status. There were a number of options for taking that status forward:

  • As a standalone academy, which would have increased our autonomy, but limited our impact and possibly left us vulnerable
  • As part of a larger, established chain with a vision and values that may not align to ours
  • As the lead school in a new umbrella trust, which would give us control over vision, values, direction and impact.

The last option fitted best with our aspirations to influence a better education for greater numbers of children locally, nationally and internationally.

To find out more about L.E.A.D please click here