Cabot Primary is a successful, high-achieving primary school with a connected, diverse and vibrant community.
We have been on a journey of transformation over the last few years and aspire to continue on our upward trajectory.
Cabot Primary is rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted, and the pride our children take both in their school and their work speaks for itself. Together, we have developed a strong vision and inspirational values, which underpin everything we do.
Our vision:
learn together, respect each other, achieve forever
High standards
We expect the highest standards of attendance, behaviour and learning from our pupils. We hold pupil progress meetings each term to ensure that every child reaches their full potential.
Clear expectations
Children and staff at Cabot have high expectations and strive to achieve their maximum potential.
Enriching curriculum
Our varied and exciting curriculum develops children’s academic, personal, social, emotional and physical needs. We aim to provide a range of enrichment opportunities to deepen understanding and enable children to apply their knowledge and skills across a range of subjects.
Continual improvement
Staff receive regular training and development, are observed and given feedback on a termly basis, to make sure that standards are improving consistently across the school.
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We would love you to join our Talent Pool so we can contact you when the right vacancy arises.
When the whole school community works together, our children have the best chance of success.
We treat each other as individuals, and we select teaching strategies and resources that reflect our diversity.
Children are entitled to an excellent education. This means that we expect the best from everyone.
If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers!