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At Manorfield Primary School, every child is part of the Manorfield Family. We aim to offer our children an exciting curriculum, that nurtures a love of learning as well as developing them as individuals. Our staff are caring and consider each child as unique.

We are a busy and friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

In the Summer term 2017, the Year 6 pupils thought back over their time at Manorfield and the three key words they felt represented the school were, 'Caring, Sharing and Inspiring' - this has become the Manorfield message.

Since then it has been shared with all stakeholders. Children and staff have looked at the importance of those three values not only at school and in the wider world but also in the Christian faith.

This culminated on October 2018 in a day exploring how these key ideas are drawn together in Matthew Chapter 25, verse 35 - 36

Miss F Clarke - Executive Headteacher

Talent Pool

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Embrace Mutli Academy Trust

We are part of Embrace Multi Academy Trust.

Embrace Multi Academy Trust is a new trust developed in partnership by like-minded leaders and governors from a range of schools across south Leicestershire. We are clear on what we stand for, what we want for our pupils and where our future lies. We are a church-majority trust, driven by a moral purpose to develop our pupils in the fullest sense, regardless of which academy they attend and without detriment to others outside our trust.

To find out more about Embrace MAT please click here


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CB24 4RS