Are you looking for a fulfilling part time role term time only to fit in with family?
Our after school club is run within Mendip Green Primary School and provides afterschool child care for Mead Vale Primary School as well as Mendip Green. It’s a fun and busy environment for children and you will support with different activities and food preparation.
Key details
Start date: As soon as possible
Contract details: Permanent
Hours: 15 hours per week, term time only plus 15
Actual salary: E2, £8,061.05 per annum
Our club follows the Playwork Principles, so the children are free to choose activities and resources as they wish. There are always selection of activities and resources available, including dressing up, home corner, craft, board games, construction, computer games, physical play, and reading.
Mendip Green Primary School is a large school for 4-11 year-olds in the Worle area of Weston-super-Mare. We are an inclusive school and can offer you the opportunity to work with children from different backgrounds and with a range of needs.
Food Hygiene certificate will be required, training provided if this is needed.
Safeguarding Statement:
Mendip Green Primary School is part of Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) and is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. All appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure and satisfactory references. We will be undertaking an appropriate online search for shortlisted candidates. It is an offence to apply for a role that requires regulated activity if you are barred from doing so. Any concerns will be reported immediately to the appropriate body. Our safeguarding policy is available on the school website.