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  • Job Title

    Exam Invigilators (Fixed Term Contract until 11/07/2025)

  • Location

    Loughborough, Leicestershire

  • Posted

    11th December 2024

  • Salary

    £13.05 p/h up to £14.13 p/h (Lead Invigilator)

  • Hours


  • Description

    Exam Invigilators From : February 2025 Contract : Fixed Term Contract until 11/07/2025, variable working days/hours Salary : £13.05 per hour up to £14.13 per hour (Lead Invigilato ...

Welcome from Principal

Act wisely and make the most of every opportunity - Colossians 4:5

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our school. The school has existed for over 300 years and despite the many educational changes that have taken place over this time, at the heart of the school is its desire for its pupils to aspire to achieve, by providing academic challenge and educational opportunities for all. At Rawlins we believe that every child is unique, with many talents which we hope to nurture and encourage in order for all our pupils to become active citizens of the future.

Rawlins is a Church of England Academy and at the centre of our work are our Christian values of compassion, wisdom and endurance. Our focus is to provide an environment enables our pupils to be wise, compassionate and forgiving. To strive to achieve, recognising that in order to do so requires perseverance and hope. We believe in everyone being accountable for their actions and we urge our pupils to serve both their school and local community. Pupils at Rawlins participate and are extremely successful in a wide range of extra-curricular events from the creative and performing arts to sports and technological innovation. We believe in giving back to the communities in which we live and therefore raise funds for a number of local, national and international projects each year.

I am proud of Rawlins inclusivity. We are a school that embraces everyone as shown by our special units for Autism and MLD. All of our pupils work together in genuine friendship and develop as well-rounded people as a consequence.

Young people today face a challenging and ever-changing world. Our desire as a school is to provide your child with the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed. I hope that you will take the time to come and visit and find out more about us.

Bob White


Talent Pool

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We are part of Embrace Multi Academy Trust.

Embrace Multi Academy Trust is a new trust developed in partnership by like-minded leaders and governors from a range of schools across south Leicestershire. We are clear on what we stand for, what we want for our pupils and where our future lies. We are a church-majority trust, driven by a moral purpose to develop our pupils in the fullest sense, regardless of which academy they attend and without detriment to others outside our trust.

To find out more about Embrace MAT please click here 


Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS