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Welcome to our wonderful school! We are a friendly and welcoming Academy School with the highest aspirations for each and every child in our care. We are keen to share with you our rich and creative curriculum, our beautiful grounds and our ambitious standards, all of which are rooted in our strong Christian ethos. We strive to inspire our children to be confident, caring and aspirational individuals who always try to ‘be the best they can be’ in all the opportunities provided at this school and beyond.  

The school’s Ofsted Inspections (October 2005 and February 2009) and its SIAMS Inspections (2005, 2009 and 2014), all found that the school provides an Outstanding provision for its children, whilst the 2019 SIAMS Inspection awarded the school the highest grade of ‘Excellent’.

Our staff have the highest expectations of all children and provide the quality teaching and learning opportunities to ensure all children are challenged and inspired to achieve their very best. We are a high performing school with on-going formative assessment at the heart of planning for creative, effective, engaging and enjoyable learning experiences. Our excellent teachers establish quality relationships that enable all children to feel valued, happy and safe – ready to learn!


Our mission statement and ethos

The Church of England vision for education is for all children to, ‘Have life, life in all its fullness.’ [John 10:10]. Bathwick St. Mary Church School’s ethos is built upon our Christian Values, which support our children, staff and school community to experience and enjoy life in all its fullness. Bathwick St. Mary Church School has long held core inclusive Christian values at the heart of what we do. Starting in early 2018, Governors, staff, the School Council and our children, refined, refreshed and developed a fresh expression of our school mission statement and our core Christian Values.

Our Christian Values

Values help define our character and ethos and by doing so affect our behaviour, beliefs and actions. Bathwick St. Mary Church School’s Christian Values are represented by six words that give purpose, direction and a firm grounding in all we seek to do.

  • We love others, ourselves and God
  • We respect others and the world around us
  • We forgive others and ourselves
  • We persevere and aspire to be our best using our unique gifts
  • We seek fairness in everything
  • We celebrate the gift of joy in each day

Our six Christian Values are physically represented in each class and in the hall where a beautiful piece of art has been created involving each child from Year 1 to Year 6. The artwork is on permanent display in the hall for all our school community to share, enjoy and regularly revisit and refer to through the school day, week, term and year.

Our mission

Our mission explains what we are doing and why what we’re doing matters and how we enable all our children to flourish:

Bathwick is an inclusive and joyful school that provides a stimulating environment in which we celebrate and nurture every child. Through an inspiring education rooted in core Christian values, we challenge and support our children to reach their full potential and become compassionate, courageous individuals. Our creative and rich curriculum and committed staff promote a lifelong love of learning, encouraging children to become caring and confident advocates for others and our world.

Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS