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About Our School

A Message From Our Headteacher

I believe that first-hand experience within a truly inclusive learning community is the foundation stone for finding out who we really are and what we might become. At Freshford, we inspire our children to be at the centre of their own learning by questioning, experimenting, being challenged, heard and given the time to try new and different ways.

Through the journey of seeing and knowing your child, we are able to insist that they recognise the excellence within themselves and lay a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. The expertise, enthusiasm and dedication of the Freshford team is our key to building the dynamic relationship that sustains the trust and confidence your child needs for day-to-day risk-taking, effort and resilience. We are determined to enable your child to fully experience the joy of learning with an open heart.

We take full advantage of our location at the heart of a village community in an area of outstanding natural beauty. We enrich our broad and varied curriculum by exploring and caring for our natural environment, learning about our local history and heritage and participating in our local community.

Our children benefit greatly from the outstanding support and engagement of all our parents and carers who help us to extend our offer in exciting and dynamic ways, enriching and expanding children's learning experiences leading to outcomes that children can truly be proud of.

We are committed to equal opportunities and promoting the welfare and safeguarding of all children at Freshford Church School and expect every member of our community to share this commitment.

Mr Andrew Wishart


Vision, Ethos and Values

Our Vision

Our school is a nurturing community in which creativity and exploration are at the heart of our learning and through which children develop the skills and aptitudes to embrace life's joys and challenges.

We want our pupils to leave our school knowing that they have the excellence inside themselves to realise their ambitions and make a positive impact on the world around them.

"At Freshford, learning is put into a fun and unique way. You learn about yourself and others, and as it is a small community, everyone is more than a classmate. You never have any trouble finding friends. You learn to believe in yourself more and become your own person." Year 6 pupil, July 2021

Our Ethos and Values

We are proud of our caring and aspirational ethos, which is founded on our Christian values and guided by the Bible saying:

‘That they may have life, life in all its fullness’ John 10:10

Our values of Kindness, Respect, Trust, Resilience and Gratitude are reflected in our approach to teaching and learning, they are present in the attributes shown by our children as learners and they inform our interaction with our wider community.

Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS