
St Anne’s is a two-form entry Catholic primary school, located on an attractive site close to the centre of Banstead village.  There are currently about 413 children in the school.


The school was founded in 1939, initially situated in a hut on the Brighton Road. At this time there were only six pupils. Shortly after this, the school transferred to Court House, an historical dwelling that forms the centre point of the current site. From 1954 until 1992 the school was run by the Religious Congregation, Poor Servants of the Mother of God. Under their stewardship the school expanded to meet the growing needs of the Catholic community in Banstead and surrounding areas.

Since 1992 the school has continued to flourish, now being run by the laity, although the Congregation retains a direct interest in the development of the school.


Throughout its history St Anne’s has continually adapted and expanded its buildings to meet the changing demands facing the school. Today the school site essentially consists of three blocks: an infant block, a central administration and meeting block and a junior block. Surrounding these are attractive grounds. As new buildings have been added and existing ones modified one aim has been to achieve disabled access for children to all parts of the school site.


Children at St Anne’s are taught in well-resourced classrooms. We recognise the part that ICT (Information & Communication Technology) plays in enhancing learning. For example, we have a state-of-the-art computer room and    every classroom benefits from an interactive whiteboard and broadband internet access. There are separate playgrounds for infant- and junior-aged children. Sports facilities include a field and netball court. In addition, we use Legal & General’s pool in order to offer swimming lessons to children in Years 3 and 4.


We value partnerships formed with parents. Parents are regular visitors to the school. They support children in classes, accompany trips, join us for special liturgies and share ideas about how the school can be improved. In addition, we benefit from an extremely enthusiastic and effective PTA (Parent Teacher Association). St Anne’s works in partnership with other local schools and organisations in order to provide the highest possible quality of education. We collaborate with other local schools through the North Downs Confederation.

This allows us to meet specific learning needs, for example by offering workshops for more able pupils or obtaining specialist support for less able pupils. In the future, through the Confederation, we will be able to offer an extended range of services to children and their families.We also cooperate very closely with neighbouring Catholic schools, especially in aspects of religious education and the religious characters of our schools. 

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About Us

At St Anne’s we are encouraged to grow in God’s love, respect ourselves and others and do our best in work, prayer and play.We aim to achieve our Mission by providing excellent education and strong support for School-Home-Parish links.


We believe that Christ is at the centre of all that happens within the St Anne’s school family.  We grow in God’s love by living according to the practices and teachings of the Catholic Church and by praying together as a school community.  We encourage every individual to develop as a whole person: academically, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally.


We undertake to support and understand children and their families, particularly in times of difficulty, and treat them at all times with a sensitivity that maintains the dignity of the individual.


We expect that the children’s faith journey, which starts at home and is nourished at school, will be supported by the whole parish community. Our School Aims To make our pupils aware of their true dignity as children of God and to encourage in them a sense of the sacred and of respect for other races, religions and cultures; To continue to develop strong moral values and a sense of right and wrong; To know our children personally and build relationships of mutual trust; To be a caring community involving children, parents, staff, governors and priests in the development of the whole child; To create a climate of successful learning and teaching in which children are encouraged to develop enquiring minds and work to the best of their ability; To stimulate in children a sense of awe and wonder, excitement and enthusiasm about the world around them; To encourage children to value their personal contribution to the school and community; To encourage children to become active and caring members of the wider community; To help children make constructive use of their leisure time.

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