A little more about us
A spirit of collaboration and openness is at the heart of our Trust, working together so that our children can achieve the highest standards of academic progress and personal achievement. Whilst collective accountability underpins how we operate, we also offer schools the autonomy they need to thrive.
All of our staff are highly valued and we constantly provide them with opportunities for professional development and growth. The peer networks that exist across our Trust help us to share best practice whilst allowing access to a greater level of resources.
Our children benefit from the increased learning opportunities created by having access to a wider pool of education specialists. Our families, communities and carers benefit from the shared facilities and expertise and have access to a broader range of community services.
Our schools are outward facing, forward thinking and actively contribute to the wider education landscape of Leicester. We work in partnership with other schools and organisations to improve the life chances of all the children in our city.
Nolan’s Seven Principles of Public Life are important to us and these underpin the governance model across the Trust. We would expect any school and governing body that joins us to operate within these well-established guidelines.