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  • Job Title

    Teaching Assistant

  • Location

    Leicester, Leicestershire

  • Posted

    31st January 2025

  • Salary

    Actual salary £7,038 - £7,150 pa

  • Hours

    Part Time, Term Time

  • Description

    Teaching Assistant Required from ASAP Fixed Term until July 2025 in the first instance (this is a rolling contract) Paid at Grade 6 (point 9-10) 12.05 hours per week term time plu ...

  • Job Title

    Mini Bus Driver (PM)

  • Location

    Leicester, Leicestershire

  • Posted

    31st January 2025

  • Salary

    Actual salary £5,470

  • Hours

    Part Time, Term Time

  • Description

    Mini Bus Driver with D1 Licence Permanent Paid at Grade 4 (points 6) 10 hours per week, term time only (38 weeks per year) some adhoc daytime driving required for sports fixtures ...

Vision, Values & Ethos

Character. Citizenship. Collaboration. Communication. Creativity. Critical Thinking.

  • Vision - Bosworth Academy is consistently exceptional in its delivery of outcomes for young people in our community. Bosworth Academy is an unstoppable force for affecting social mobility.
  • Values - ‘No student will underachieve’ means: outstanding outcomes for every child, of every ability, from every background, no matter what the barriers. ‘Be better than you thought you could be’ means: we understand that our role is to ensure students reach their potential, it is to help define that potential.
  • Ethos - We do this in an environment which is inclusive, exciting, varied and highly aspirational. The individual is recognised and celebrated. We strive for excellence and challenge in all that we do and seek out feedback and positive criticism. We believe in the capacity for continual improvement and appreciate the role of leadership. We never give up and never accept that our work is done. We enjoy, achieve and embrace our responsibility as a force for good. We can and will make a difference through the empowerment of learning.

About Us

Bosworth Academy is situated on the edge of Desford Village, overlooking the open countryside. We have a full range of facilities including a recently refurbished Library (The Compass), Sports Hall, Assembly Hall, Gym, Drama studios, Music Studios, Sports Dome, Swimming pool, Science Laboratories, Design Workshop and ICT Suites; plus a number of refurbished classrooms and a purpose built Maths Block. All curriculum areas have specialist teaching spaces which are used to enhance learning in every way possible.

The school opened in Desford as Bosworth Community College in 1969, replacing the former Grammar School located in Market Bosworth. In 2003, the College was designated as a Specialist Sports College and The school became an Academy on April 1st 2012, having previously been a Leicestershire Upper School and Community College.

Since its beginning, Bosworth Academy has been a mixed comprehensive Upper School catering for the 14-19 age range. In September 2014, the Academy began the transition to becoming an 11-19 school. This meant that we took in our first Year 7 intake of 150 students in September 2014 and currently our Year 7 student numbers are in excess of 250 and as such are over subscribed.


July 2022

The school was last inspected in July 2022 and was judged as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas. You can read the full report here but below are just some of the quotes from the Ofsted report used to describe our ‘Outstanding’ school:

‘The curriculum is innovative and provides pupils with rich opportunities to develop the skills they need for future success.’

‘Pupils joining Bosworth Academy from other secondary schools told inspectors that they appreciated the better extra-curricular options they had here.’

‘Pupils complete a wide range of exciting tasks to help them learn. Teachers also ensure that pupils have time to practise and review what they have learned.’

‘There are excellent relationships between pupils and teachers. Teachers and pupils are mutually respectful. Teachers consistently reinforce their high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. This means that learning takes place without interruption.’

‘Students are highly positive about their experience in the sixth form. Sixth-form students are an integral part of the school community. They support younger students in and out of lessons.’

‘Pupils are making consistently good or better progress across virtually all subjects. The school’s own records of pupils’ progress and recent examination results support these findings.’

Talent Pool

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LiFE Multi Academy Trust

Bosworth Academy is part of LiFE Multi Academy Trust.

"The LiFE Multi-Academy Trust offers an exciting environment that has a range of development opportunities to take on roles across the trust, to help develop your career. We are always looking for people who are enthusiastic and committed to support our ‘Life long learning’ ethos. If you like the sound of our Vision, Values and Ethos and would like a visit to one of our schools, please get in contact."

To find out more about the trust, please click here

How To Find Us

How To Find Us

How To Find Us
CB24 4RS