

The City of Leicester College is a vibrant and popular 11–19 College with a commitment to the highest level of pastoral care and academic achievement. We are a truly comprehensive multi-cultural College offering unique opportunities for all students. As an institution we believe in being ambitious for all, from our youngest student to our most experienced member of staff and we are striving to reach the highest standards in everything we do. We believe this aim challenges our young people to flourish now while also developing the essential lifelong skills and character to ensure a bright future.

Our ethos is one that nurtures Moral; Intellectual; Performance and Community Character and nurtures individual talent. As part of this we respect all faith and non-faith beliefs and we actively celebrate our wonderful diversity. Student success is numerous and varied; from young sports men and women performing at national level, to academic brilliance gaining places at the Oxbridge Universities. Students excel in the arts, which we are passionate about and see as essential to developing the whole person. We are keen to speak to people who want to make a difference to our students, please get in touch if teaching or working at our school is of interest to you.

About Us

The City of Leicester College is a larger than average-comprehensive school with a large and very successful sixth form. A very large majority of the college population come from minority ethnic backgrounds including Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Other Asian, Black Caribbean or mixed backgrounds and most speak English as an additional language. We consider this diversity within our community to be a huge positive and in our most recent Ofsted visit in 2021, the inspectors stated that “The curriculum celebrates the diversity of the school community.”

As with many city schools, our catchment has higher than average deprivation and a large number of our students are identified by the Government as “disadvantaged” and the proportion of those in the early stages of learning to speak English is well above average. Ofsted were very positive about our provision for this group of learners and identified that “Pupils who speak English as an additional language receive the support that they need to improve their language skills so that they can access the curriculum” when they last visited.

The proportion of students with special educational needs and/ or disabilities is just above the national average. Again, the college has received national recognition in a number of areas of its work, notably the Healthy Schools Award, the International Schools Award and the Artsmark. We are currently pursuing the Rainbow Flag Award and we always see enthusiastic and mature student engagement with a wide variety of national and international political and humanitarian issues.

The College has gone through significant change in the last few years, with a new Head; new curriculum model; and new leadership structure. The positive changes identified by Ofsted have been possible due to the shared vision and dedication to ensuring the highest possible standards for our young people and staff. We are still in the early stages of moving the school to the Outstanding institution we know it can be and in both of the most recent Ofsted visits the impact of the new leadership has been praised for the impact it has had. We believe that the City of Leicester College offers staff a rare opportunity to work from key stage three to five in a uniquely diverse community, where we all strive together to be the best that we can be. We welcome applications from any professional that feel they share our ambition for success.


Working for Us


If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for.

By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.

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For more information about School Talent Pools visit www.eteach.com

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  • Job Title


  • Location

    Leicester, Leicestershire

  • Posted

    17th January 2025

  • Salary


  • Hours

    Term Time

  • Description

    The governing body of The City of Leicester College has a co-opted governor vacancy and would love to hear from self-motivated and determined people who are interested in becoming ...

Talent Pool

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