Freemantles is a Surrey County Council School for children and young people with complex social communication needs. Many of the pupils also have Autism. The school age range is from 4 – 19 years and we have a wide catchment area across the west of Surrey. The school has 140 pupils on roll.
Woking, Surrey
29th August 2024
£16,901 p.a. ( FTE £23,576 )
Term Time
Classroom Assistant positions available at Freemantles Specialist School! Apply today for your opportunity to join an amazing community that makes a difference to the lives of chi ...
Freemantles is a Surrey County Council School for children and young people with complex social communication needs. Many of the pupils also have Autism. We currently provide for students aged 4 through to 19 i.e Year R to Year 14 .
Mission Statement
"Working together to make sense of the world."
Freemantles was judged to be an Outstanding school by Ofsted in November 2016.
"Senior Leaders and governors have ensured that the school continues to improve. Their relentless drive for excellence ensures outstanding outcomes for the large majority of pupils."
"Staff have a highly developed sense of the needs of individual pupils. Consequently, teaching is of a very high quality, providing pupils with constant opportunities to succeed."
"Support Staff, including non-teaching staff are highly skilled and dedicated."
"Expectations for all pupils are high, no matter how complex their needs...Many of the school's staff are highly experienced and specialists in their fields."
"Leaders have ensured that developing pupils' well-being sits at the top of the school's priorities."
Freemantles School Aims
For Freemantles School and the community, especially parents and carers to work together to challenge each individual pupil to achieve as much as they can in their:
In order that they are able to live contented lives participating actively in society.
Freemantles School is a centre of excellence for children with complex social communication needs and /or Autism. To maintain this status we will ensure that we have staff trained in the effective implementation of a range of carefully selected strategies that we use to support successful teaching and learning for pupils with these needs. In addition we will offer high quality training and support to:
Why work for us?
There are many benefits to working at Freemantles. We offer staff the following: