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About us

Inspire Learning

The Grove is a wonderful school that puts its children and community first. We take huge pride in the improvements we are making to ensure all children in our care receive the best education whilst learning about themselves and having fun along the way.

We “Explore the World Through Words” as we immerse ourselves in our innovative reading curriculum which offers many opportunities for BRAVE cross-curricular learning. Our children make us proud every day as they demonstrate our school values which underpin all we do.

Our website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.

Talent Pool

Join Our Talent Pool

Part of Mowbray Education Trust

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The Mowbray Education Trust is committed to ensuring that all of our young people get the best support and opportunities that we can give them.
Our Trust serves our communities through providing nurseries, primary and secondary schools that cater for children throughout their formative years. We currently run one nursery and six schools: five primary and one secondary.

We are a community whose vision is that in every one of our settings the children come first. We have high expectations of both our children, and those that teach them.
We recognise and cultivate the talent in our staff and work hard to put only the highest quality teachers in front of our children.
We pride ourselves in our determination to ensure that no child is left behind, and a have a strong and energetic team working to continually drive standards up.

To visit our Trust Career Site, please click here.

Our Location

Asfordby Road, Leicestershire

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS