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Welcome to Our School

You will find us next to St. Mary Redcliffe Secondary School on Ship lane, in Redcliffe, Bristol.

Nursery Schools have a long history of teaching young children and at Redcliffe we are proud to have served our community for almost 60 years. Every member of our large staff team are passionate about children’s well-being, progression and development.

Our nursery school is well resourced with as many natural, heuristic and open ended resources as possible to encourage children to explore, investigate and hypothesise. We have a small urban outdoor space which provides opportunities for the children to be challenged and learn how to assess and take risks. We are passionate about children’s rights and treat everyone as an individual. We welcome all families and children to our inclusive setting. We aim to build relationships and establish partnerships with families and make links with other agencies like health and social care.

We have had ten Ofsted inspections in nine years. In all we were judged `Outstanding` this includes an equal opportunities and mathematics subject inspections.  We were particularly proud that our 2011 Schools inspection judged all teaching sessions to be outstanding.

Vision and Values

Our Vision Statement:

At Redcliffe Nursery School we inspire, innovate, challenge and expand horizons for children, parents, staff and visitors.

Our Values:

Our Community is Unique

We embrace, value and respect each person, family and culture within it, creating a sense of trust and belonging. We recognise the importance and value of the knowledge that children bring and the role that the home environment plays in the child’s learning journey. We strive to offer an integrated service to empower families.

Our Beliefs

`Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away`. Carlin, cited in Woolton (2006)

We believe: 

  • Our centre is unique, in that the families and the place are uniquely different.
  • It is essential to promote a sense of pride in who we are as individuals, our cultures/backgrounds and what we want to achieve.
  • Children have the right to childhood.  We rigorously support their development and progress in learning within the ethos of a broad and balanced, play based curriculum.
  • Outdoor experiences are as important as indoor experiences. We need to look after the earth to survive.
  • We are all on a long and exciting journey, learning together; children, staff and parents.  This is with a sense of hope which fulfils dreams and wishes.
  • All people have democratic rights which mean listening to children, families, staff and community to shape our centre to be the best it can be, to provide a springboard for the future.
  • Creative thinking is a key to exciting learning experiences.
  • Respect and trust should be threaded through our centre.  Our strength is in our relationships with each other.  Believing in oneself and others is essential to promote well being in ourselves and others.
  • A culture that challenges, promotes everybody to reach their full potential.
  • Research, reflection and professional dialogues are the cornerstone of our constant change.

Our location

Our location

Our location
CB24 4RS