
We believe in 'Bringing learning to life both inside and out.' and aim for all our learners to fulfil their learning journey by:-

Showing commitment to, enthusiasm for, life-long learning

Caring for the environment and being proactive in their responsibilities towards it, the economy and society as a whole.

Connecting with others, respecting diversity and taking part in their wider community.

Being happy and confident individuals.

Having the courage to take risks with their learning and challenging themselves to progress.

Being safe, caring for themselves, others and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Making connections in their learning and applying it across a range of experiences.

Seeking solutions independently and co-operatively, demonstrating compromise when necessary.

Communicating their views and opinions whilst respecting those of others.

Maintaining concentration and evaluating their achievements and errors, identifying next steps.

Displaying creativity and flair. Being curious, asking questions and exploring.  

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  • Job Title

    Lunchtime Supervisor

  • Location

    Reigate, Surrey

  • Posted

    25th July 2024

  • Salary

    Grade PS1/2 - £3,068 Pro Rata

  • Hours

    Term Time

  • Description

    This is a fantastic opportunity for a Lunchtime Supervisor to join Reigate Priory School. We are a large primary school with 600 pupils and can offer you an enthusiastic and dedic ...

About Us

The beautiful surroundings of Reigate Priory Park and a historic Grade 1 listed building provide a unique setting for a successful learning community. At the heart of this community is an ethos aimed at developing all aspects of its children. Enthusiastic teachers deliver an innovative, rich and balanced curriculum. This, when combined with extensive extra-curricular opportunities and an exemplary Outdoor Education programme, creates a stimulating learning environment where children's education flourishes. The children learn from a skills based, topic centred curriculum to foster deep understanding, develop secure knowledge and further a love of life long, independent learning. Traditional subject areas are studied as termly or half-termly topics, allowing children to make links, transfer skills and gain a more detailed understanding of a subject. Staff apply a wide variety of appropriate teaching strategies and learning styles, from whole class, small group and paired work, to programmes of study for individuals. Children are generally taught in mixed ability class groupings, with all children studying the same area, but with the learning designed to match their abilities.

Reigate Priory School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment. The four year teams plan weekly, sharing the preparation of the work and drawing on their individual talents, experience and knowledge. This makes the best use of staff expertise and is a major strength of our school. One member of staff in each year group is designated as Year Leader, with responsibility for ensuring continuity across the year and for liaison with the other year groups. The Year Leader is a member of the school's Leadership Team which is led by the Headteacher and includes the Assistant Headteachers, the SENDCO and the School Business Manager. The school is supported by a strong Governing Body, comprising of a team of highly experienced individuals, both from within and outside of the education sector.

The individual Governors' expertise are utilised throughout daily school life and each year team has an attached Governor. All parents automatically become members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The social and fund-raising events organised by the enthusiastic and successful FSA Committee continue to provide money for much-needed extra facilities for the children, and most PTA activities are designed to be ‘family events’. The school is indebted to such parents and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their fantastic support. OFSTED "Reigate Priory is an Outstanding school where pupils' achievement is excellent and their efforts are consistently recognised and rewarded." "Pupils make Outstanding progress and are prepared exceptionally well for the next stage of their education." "Pupils enjoy their whole time in the school and their behaviour and attitudes are exemplary." Reigate Priory School achieved a third consecutive "Outstanding" OFSTED grading in July 2012.

Talent Pool

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Working for Us

We are a large junior school with 600 children on role.

We offer an exciting, challenging environment, a dedicated, hardworking and supportive staff team and provide excellent opportunities for staff professional development. We encourage talented, creative and committed individuals to contact us, visit our school and join our School Talent Pool to indicate your interest for when future vacancies occur.