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Vision, Aims and Values

Our School Vision

”In everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you” Matthew 7-12

At St Peter’s our Christian Values underpin the ethos and whole life of our school.

Our aim is to:

Inspire ~ Enrich ~ Achieve

- Inspire pupil’s curiosity and a love of learning

- Enrich pupil’s social, cultural and religious experiences

- Ensure that pupils have the confidence to achieve their full potential ready for the future they choose

Talent Pool

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Embrace Mutli Academy Trust

We are part of Embrace Multi Academy Trust.

Embrace Multi Academy Trust is a new trust developed in partnership by like-minded leaders and governors from a range of schools across south Leicestershire. We are clear on what we stand for, what we want for our pupils and where our future lies. We are a church-majority trust, driven by a moral purpose to develop our pupils in the fullest sense, regardless of which academy they attend and without detriment to others outside our trust.

To find out more about Embrace MAT please click here 


Virtual School Tour

Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS