At St John’s we aim to provide a stimulating and challenging environment where children are encouraged to develop lively, enquiring minds, as well as their imagination and curiosity. We wish to foster a desire and self motivation to learn.
St John’s provides a welcoming, happy and purposeful atmosphere where children feel valued and they can develop their confidence and self esteem. By learning to work in collaboration with others, children learn respect, tolerance and sensitivity and learn to understand and care about the world in which they live.
St John’s values high achievements in all areas of the curriculum. Learners are encouraged to do their very best at all times. Parents, Staff and Governors work together to provide a quality learning experience for all our children to prepare them for their future education and for success in a rapidly changing world.
St. John’s is a single form, co-educational primary with normally 210 pupils on roll. It is situated in a delightful conservation area on the edge of Redhill Common. It is steeped in history, with some parts of the school dating back to 1844. It regularly welcomes other schools to view its World War II air raid shelters, in particular the boys’ shelter in which there are beautifully restored murals that were painted by the pupils of this time.
St. John’s is fortunate in being spacious and well equipped, with all classrooms having computers and interactive whiteboards. In addition, the school has an ICT suite with sufficient computers for individual use by a class, along with a well resourced library, a fully equipped music room and a design technology room. In 2010 we opened our outdoor learning centre, next to the lower hall.
Outside there are several large playgrounds, an adventure area and an environmental area with garden and pond. Although there is little grass area, the school’s environment is a rich resource, with the common used for various aspects of learning.
St. John’s tries to offer a variety of extra curricular activities, for example, chess, French, Spanish, netball, football, golf, drama, art and dance. Many of these activities are run on a voluntary basis by staff and parents, although some are run independently and a charge is applicable. Children are informed at the start of each term which clubs are available.
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