CB24 4RS
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At St Simon and St Jude CE Primary School we are committed to providing the best possible opportunities for learning and teaching whilst also providing appropriate welfare and pastoral care for all our children. All members of school have high expectations of our children's achievements and we aim to foster high standards of behaviour at all times.
We aim to enrich our children's education and experiences by offering a wide range of extra opportunities.We provide an excellent range of after school clubs as well as breakfast club. Parents have the right to request wraparound and holiday care (we work in conjunction with an after school and holiday club run at Heathlane Academy called Explorer to facilitate this.)
We strongly believe in developing positive relationships between home and school and we work together in partnership to help your child grow and develop their full potential.
In 1858 the Reverend Tower drew up a Trust Deed on behalf of the Church to provide a school for the community. The school was called Weavers Close, the name was taken from the nearby 'Weavers Springs' which in the last century was dammed by the local weaving community, creating a pool for the washing and dyeing processes to be carried out.
The old school site was used up until 1994.
On 1st March 2013 Weavers Close became an academy sponsored by the Diocese of Leicester Academies Trust.
On Friday 24th August 2018, the school became known as St Simon and St Jude Church of England Primary School, to greater reflect it's Christian Ethos and to strengthen links with the Church.
Rise is a family of schools. We work with and for each other.
We currently comprise of 23 CofE and Community primary schools, Great strides have been made and we are proud of the fact that all our schools are now deemed to be’ Good’ in the eyes of Ofsted. We want, however, for that milestone to be a marker on our journey, rather than the destination itself. Our family of schools are all different shapes and sizes, serving rich and varied communities and that is one of the many things we love about our Trust.
Our vision and our values show how we place great importance on what we do and how we do it. Our values underpin our interactions with each other and strengthen our sense of family. Children are placed at the heart of everything we do. Our team of staff are skilled, hardworking and committed to developing all of your child, not just their academic ability. We recognise that success for every child will be different and we celebrate this.
We are developing and maturing as a Trust. We are ambitious. We are evolving into a Trust that is led by schools for schools. Our headteachers and talented subject leaders play an active role in Trust and school improvement. Our central team are committed to serving schools in a manner that enables them to be great schools, doing great things that enable every child in a Rise school to both ‘flourish and succeed’; and ensuring that our colleagues and communities thrive in a similar way.
Our family of schools are all different shapes and sizes, serving rich and varied communities and that is one of the many things we love about our Trust.
Find out more about the Rise Multi-Academy Trust here.
CB24 4RS