Headteacher's Welcome

The Chandler is a Church of England Junior School at the heart of two village communities – Milford and Witley – in the Surrey Hills.

Our very first priority is to ensure that our children and staff are safe so that they are in the best possible position to learn. You can read our Safeguarding policy here.

Our Christian ethos underpins our ambition to best prepare each child to fulfil their potential in the wider world as a successful citizen of the future. We place a strong emphasis on community and have adopted a Values based curriculum, teaching a different Value each month.

'Our outstanding pastoral care, and an environment in which all can flourish, ensures that each child’s strengths and abilities are recognised and celebrated.'

We believe that every child is special – made in the image of God – and learns best when they are happy and secure. Our outstanding pastoral care, and an environment in which all can flourish, ensures that each child’s strengths and abilities are recognised and celebrated.

Learning is brought to life through active, first-hand experiences, with children enjoying a rich, broad and varied curriculum. We have lots of space for learning and play in our well-equipped building and fabulous grounds, and we make full use of these. Whenever we can, we take learning out into the wider world – be it on our doorstep or further afield. Throughout the year, special occasions, themed days and weeks further enrich our curriculum and enliven learning.

Children are given opportunities to shine in sporting events, class assemblies, school productions, musical performances and many other areas. A wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities provide plenty for the children to choose from – football, netball, gymnastics, athletics, judo, gardening, inventors, cooking, Lego and crafts to name a few.

Alongside our excellent PE curriculum and healthy school meals, every child has the opportunity to develop both educationally and physically to the best of their ability. We are working closely with The Music Works to enable every child to have the best possible opportunities to access quality music provision – be they learning, listening, making, composing or performing. It’s a very exciting project which is already impacting upon our whole community – creating confident, expressive and creative learners.

Hugh Rawson | Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead


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  • Job Title


  • Location

    Godalming, Surrey

  • Posted

    18th September 2024

  • Salary

    MPS (Fringe area) £33,075 - £45,037

  • Hours

    Full Time

  • Description

    Are you an aspirational and inspirational classteacher? The Chandler Junior School, a thriving and popular three form entry Junior school in Witley near Godalming, is looking for ...

About Us


We believe that every child is special – made in the image of God – and learns best when they are happy and secure. Our outstanding pastoral care, and an environment in which all can flourish, ensures that each child’s strengths and abilities are recognised and celebrated.

Learning is brought to life through active, first-hand experiences, with children enjoying a rich, broad and varied curriculum. We have lots of space for learning and play in our well-equipped building and fabulous grounds, and we make full use of these. Whenever we can, we take learning out into the wider world – be it on our doorstep or further afield. Throughout the year, special occasions, themed days and weeks further enrich our curriculum and enliven learning.

Children are given opportunities to shine in sporting events, class assemblies, school productions, musical performances and many other areas. A wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities provide plenty for the children to choose from – football, netball, gymnastics, athletics, judo, gardening, inventors, cooking, Lego and crafts to name a few.

Alongside our excellent PE curriculum and healthy school meals, every child has the opportunity to develop both educationally and physically to the best of their ability. We are working closely with The Music Works to enable every child to have the best possible opportunities to access quality music provision – be they learning, listening, making, composing or performing. It’s a very exciting project which is already impacting upon our whole community – creating confident, expressive and creative learners.

Talent Pool

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If you're searching for your next education job, please get in touch. You'll be working for a great employer and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed education professionals - send us your CV now via our Talent Pool and detail what sort of role you're looking for. By joining our Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when the right vacancy comes up.