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  • Job Title

    Temporary Part Time Admin Assistant

  • Location

    Wimbledon, Greater London

  • Posted

    6th September 2024

  • Salary

    £30,033 - £31,440 Pro Rata

  • Hours

    Part Time, Term Time, Job Share

  • Description

    JOB OVERVIEW  We are seeking an experienced administrator who has ideally worked within a busy office. The ideal candidate should have good customer service, ICT and communic ...

About Us

The College currently has close to 1300 boys on roll including 270 in the Sixth Form. There are seven teaching groups in each year (known as lines in Jesuit schools) at Key Stage 3, with eight in Key Stage 4. We were graded as Good in our most recent Ofsted inspection in December 2017. Examination results are excellent and consistently well above national averages. In 2017, the College's GCSE results placed it in the top 20% of schools nationally..

Full details of examination results are available on our website.

Working for Us

Wimbledon College has a wide ranging CPD programme that helps teachers develop throughout their career.

All teaching staff join an online Professional Development platform called Bluesky.  Bluesky administers all appraisal, observations and continual professional development so that staff and their line managers can closely track professional development. Induction for new staff all new staff are enrolled onto a course called Jesuit i. These sessions allow staff to fully understand Jesuit ethos. This is further developed by staffs who wish to pursue this and they can attend a two day retreat session to build upon Jesuit i. Programme for Newly Qualified Teachers. The programme focuses on teachers who have recently completed a PGCE / Schools Direct or other Initial Teacher Programme. The sessions focus heavily on Teaching and Learning but also on introducing you to our unique school and the Catholic ethos it is built on. The programme aims to develop teachers more holistically by focusing on issues such as time management, work-life balance and using new technology to improve lessons. The programme also looks at moving towards middle management and has specific sessions of Head of Line (Year) and Head of Department responsibilities. One such session focuses on using data to track vulnerable students and creating progress matrices. 

Each NQT has a mentor and receives full support from the department and also Professional Coordinating Mentor (PCM). NQTs receive half termly observations and this frequency can increase if need be. NQTs also have the opportunity to attend weekly CPD sessions that are put in place for PGCE students. These sessions are run by experienced members of staff within the school who specialise in certain areas. Some NQT sessions are off site and ran by Merton council and this gives you the opportunity to network with other NQTs from around the borough. NQTs teach a reduced timetable by 10%, this is to support their own development.

Staff INSET: The College places staff development as key priority and there are regular opportunities for staff to attend a range of external courses and INSETs. We use outside speakers to come in and speak to whole staff or specific departments. Our most recent speaker was Jim Smith who focused on creating a love of learning and how to make students more active rather than passive learners.

Wimbledon College runs an internal staff development programme based over two fortnights in the academic year.  During a fortnight up to 20 sessions maybe on offer ranging from differentiation, stretching the more able, classroom management and creating a love of learning. We aim to develop teachers more holistically by focusing on issues such as work-life balance, time management skills, data analysis and Jesuit ethos. One such programme ‘what is the heart of Wimbledon College’ allows teachers to reflect but also further develop their understanding of our education mission.

Further Development: We also support staff to undertake Masters Qualifications, PhDs and National Programmes such as National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) as well as the Senior (NPQSL) and Headteacher (NPQH) version of this. Wimbledon College is also part of the Merton Outstanding teacher programme and each year we send select staff to complete this course and provide them with the opportunity to feedback to staff. 

Along with learning walks, buddy observations, line manager and colleague observations Wimbledon College offers a range of ways for staff to develop and progress in their career.

If you're searching for your next post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed candidates - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. 

Talent Pool

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Wimbledon College is a voluntary aided comprehensive secondary school for boys ages 11 to 18. The school is in the London Borough of Merton and is in the trusteeship of the Society of Jesus.There are some 3,400 Jesuit schools, universities and educational institutions worldwide educating 2.5 million students in 68 countries. Central to St Ignatius’ vision and to the College is the education of the whole person, providing each pupil with the opportunity to strive for excellence in all that they do. We are a high achieving school with a tradition of academic excellence, comprehensive pastoral care and a rich extra-curricular programme

Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS