About us

Pyrcroft Grange Primary School is set within a quiet area of Chertsey and is close to the attractive woodland area of St Ann’s Hill. The school has seven classes and a specialist centre for Communication and Interaction Needs (COIN). We’re an inclusive school and ensure that all children’s contributions and successes are valued and celebrated. There is a large field, playground and all weather pitch set within the school grounds. These areas provide open spaces for children to play during break times and lunchtimes and are well utilized for PE lessons and after school clubs. We have developed a range of features on the playground, including play equipment, designated ball games areas, a trim trail, a key stage 1 football area, a stage and quiet areas for children who want to sit and talk or read a book. Shaded areas are available in the playground. Within the grounds, we have developed school gardens, including a sensory garden and allotment areas which are well maintained by our fantastic gardening club. Children in our Reception class have an exciting outdoor learning environment that promotes the development of active, independent, inquisitive learners.

In addition to the attractive outdoor environment, the school has a range of IT resources to offer pupils. Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard which are well used by teachers and pupils to enhance teaching and learning. Every class teacher is equipped with an I pad to capture  memorable moments of learning and an I pad trolley holding 30 I pads which are used as a learning tool in daily teaching. We also have a dedicated IT suite where children are encouraged to develop their skills and use the computers to support other areas of learning. 

Since joining the Bourne Education Trust in December 2013 the school learning environment has undergone an amazing transformation and now promotes an environment that has the children at the heart and celebrates children’s achievements and successes. Children at Pyrcroft Grange Primary School are taught in a well-equipped, stimulating environment by a team of talented and dedicated staff.

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Bourne Education Trust

Bourne Education Trust (‘BET’) was established in 2011 and has grown steadily since then. It is largely Surrey based, but has also expanded into Hampshire and Richmond. It is made up of 21 academies, 4 associate schools and one free school due to open in September 2024. Of its 26 schools, 14 are primaries, 9 are secondaries, and, with the new free school, 3 are specialist schools. It is responsible for the education of approximately 12,500 pupils and employs just over 1,300 staff. The Trust is organised into both phases and clusters to support collaboration.

The size of its schools ranges from a one-form entry primary to an eight-form entry secondary school with a sixth form. Schools are equally important and carry the same influence in terms of decision-making within the Trust. Each school has its own Head and Local Governing Committee. The Trust is led by Alex Russell, Kate Sanders, Rob Isaac and Penny Alford.

To find out more about BET please click here

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CB24 4RS