

Billesdon Church of England Primary School is a small primary school, with approximately 100 children on roll, providing exemplary education for children aged 4 to 11 years old. Pupils attend from Billesdon and neighbouring villages. We have close links with the churches in Billesdon and the community in general.

The school has a family ethos, the pupils mix well from all age groups and look after each other.

The staff here are very proud of the school, its pupils and of the achievements we have made over the last few years

Billesdon is a large residential village situated approximately half way between Leicester and Uppingham in the east of the County of Leicestershire.

The school is on Gaulby Road in an elevated position overlooking the village. The school was built in 1875 and was extended to double the accommodation. In 1991 internal alterations were made to provide for 4+ admissions to the school. In 2006, a staffroom extension and disabled access were built.

In 2009/10 we were fortunate to be awarded £850,000 from the Primary Capital Programme. This has enabled us to have an extension providing a much needed school hall, refurbished classrooms throughout the school and a new entrance/reception area.

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to our wonderful and friendly Church of England Primary School, providing exemplary education for children aged 4 to 11 years old.

I am incredibly proud to have joined this vibrant and progressive school and feel privileged to be part of the Billesdon C of E Primary school family and community.

My priority as Headteacher is to meet the needs of all our pupils to achieve their full potential in their academic, creative, personal, physical, moral and spiritual development. We are fortunate to have outstanding, forward thinking staff, who continually develop their practice and empower our children to be the source of their own success

Within the context of Christian belief and practice, our school has developed a set of core values which will continue to underpin all the work we do. The strong Christian ethos throughout then school was evident in the achievement of the SIAMs inspection, for which inspectors awarded a grade of ‘Good’. We greatly value our strong links with the church team who help to organise such weekly activities as ‘Open the book’ and Collective Worships.

I know how vital working in partnerships with parents really is, in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child’s excellent progress. I hope you will support our high expectations in all areas, especially in behaviour and achievement. and

Mrs Lisa Willcocks, Headteacher