

Blackwood Comprehensive School is a community school sited just off Ty Isha Terrace, in Blackwood.  The school is co-educational.  The school is a predominantly English Medium Secondary school with pupils studying Welsh as a second language.  The Pupil Admission number is 200 per year group.  There are currently vacancies in some year groups.  The admission of pupils is administered by Caerphilly County Borough Council; further details are given towards the end of the prospectus.  Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit the school, but are asked to telephone to make an appointment to ensure that staff are available to show you around and discuss your child’s needs.


About Us

Our shared vision includes attaining the highest possible outcomes for all our children, where inclusion of all learners is a central goal. We seek to provide all our learners with the best possible start to life. Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) will be at the heart of our school. Children will thrive in a secure and caring atmosphere where high standards of behaviour, social manners and academic achievement are paramount. We will try to ensure that all our children leave school with a positive disposition for learning so that they will become lifelong learners. We will maintain a broad and balanced curriculum and will always be keen to enrich this curriculum further.


The aims of the school can be summarised as follows:


  • To provide a high quality educational experience that recognises the unique personality of each pupil.
  • To enable each individual to reach his/her full potential within a culture of high expectations.
  • To ensure that every pupil receives a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum, which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, the Learning Country and the Learning and Skills Measure and the Literacy and Numeracy Framework as well as the recommendations of the Donaldson Report and Qualified for Life”.
  • To provide a curriculum which is supports the ambitions and aspirations of all pupils.
  • To establish a caring, productive and disciplined learning environment that is both supportive to children’s needs and pleasant to work in.
  • To enable pupils to function effectively as citizens in a rapidly changing society, adapting to its demands by acquiring the social and emotional intelligence required to succeed.
  • To encourage pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds and to promote the growth of independence, self-confidence and self-motivation.
  • To promote understanding, harmony, equality of status and opportunity between every member of the school community.
  • To use education and learning for the enrichment of the lives of the whole school community and to promote values and standards of behaviour and achievement that will enable pupils to develop the social skills essential to take up their place in society.
  • To encourage a supportive community involvement that includes parents and local industry
  • To encourage pupils to participate in a variety of enhanced learning experiences.



School Value Statement:

‘In all that we do we believe that every pupil matters.

We value every pupil for what they have tried to achieve, as well as for what they have achieved.


We value everybody equally.’

We also believe in good manners, strong discipline and mutual respect. We passionately believe in comprehensive, inclusive education, in which all children are of equal value and it is our task to help develop the talents that all undoubtedly have.

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