
Why Choose Us?


Blue Coat CEVA Primary school is working hard to fulfill an important promise to all of its pupils. Our promise is our vision, which is to try to secure your child’s ‘Future Readiness’.

‘Future readiness’ for our pupils is built on the foundation of God’s Love. Therefore, we aspire to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10) and to enable others to do the same. (Matthew 22: 37-39) So, how does this vision shape Blue Coat to be a special place for children to thrive?

Thinking and Learning

We understand that the future will be a place for thinkers, still giving humans the (shrinking) advantage over machines. Because of this, we have become a ‘thinking school’ where we teach children to be independent thinkers who own their learning (resulting in personal empowerment). This can only happen with skilled and careful nurturing...

Blue Coat’s teaching staff hold unique expertise in getting children to think deeply in a range of situations: from classroom learning through to play at break times. At the same time, they are skilled in catering to individuals' needs, adapting what they do so as to enable pupils to succeed. As a result, our pupils generally make rapid progress, leaving the school at academic levels significantly above peers, both locally and nationally. More importantly, our children leave with a thinking edge that ensures they’re motivated, equipped and ready to take on lifelong learning.

Values for Life

We work tirelessly to ensure each child feels part of a special community of people who care for others. At its centre is an inclusive ethos whee every child is encouraged to outwardly show Christian values of Respect, Responsibility,Creativity and Happiness. These values set firm foundations for life and filter into everything we do, guiding how our school family gets along. Blue Coat pupils are happy, confident, compassionate young people with a strong moral compass, and this is frequently brought to our attention by those whom they impress.

Play and the Outdoors

Almost 1.5 years of a child’s primary school experience is spent playing at break times and lunch times. We recognise, therefore, that investment in this time is just as important as time invested in the classroom.

The school has a multi-award winning approach to outdoor play that enables all children to thrive and find personal happiness. We use play times as an opportunity to learn about ourselves, others and the world around us. It is an essential part of each and every child's learning and personal development.

Our school is set on an expanse of rural land within a Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This means that pupils have huge amounts of space, equipment and nature to explore, with each day bringing new adventures and the potential for new friendships across the age range of our school. They are supervised by a Play Team of experts who support the children in making decisions that keep them safe, whilst teaching them to become future ready in their friendships, physical development and more.

The school has been leading Forest School practice for over 10 years, enhancing the school curriculum whilst developing children's spirituality, curiosity, wellbeing and love of nature.

Responsible Global Citizens

Our pupils learn as much about what it means to be a good person as they do a good learner. To a large extent, we believe there is a lot of shared ground

when nurturing responsible learners who help others to thrive and achieve whilst excelling themselves.

Blue Coat pupils participate in a school curriculum which is rich in reflective thought and social action. They learn to consider how their behaviours can impact on others, not just in this country but all over the world. Whether it is learning about how they can contribute to a sustainable planet, conserve wildlife, tackle injustice or contribute to the happiness of those around them on a daily basis, the children develop a strong moral compass that is central to making decent and informed decisions on how they live their lives now and into the future.

Our school buddy system is testament to this where Year 6 children induct and nurture a designated Reception child into our school community for their first year. They receive widespread recognition and praise for their kindness, responsibility and trust by parents, staff and members of our local community.

Blue Coat children regularly receive recognition for their positive relationships and behaviour by visitors, inspectors, parents, school trip facilitators and agency teaching staff. They are seen to be living out our core Christian values of Respect, Responsibility, Creativity and Happiness both in and out of the school environment.

Pupils regularly make fundraising efforts for charitable causes, finding their own innovative ways and ideas to contribute. This has involved children in school, for example, setting up Children In Need stalls... or small groups and individuals independently thinking up ideas for sponsorships, street stalls or school-wide initiatives (March for Water). In recent months, our children have directly supported charities of The Food Bank, Sponsor a Bed, Shelter, Water Aid, Comic Relief, WWF, Dementia UK, RSPCA, Royal British Legion, Christian Aid, WEBOX Albania and many more.

A Curriculum for the Future

We have a unique, tailor-made curriculum that is aimed at delivering Future Readiness for our pupils. We go beyond the limits set by the statutory National Curriculum to offer an exciting and evolving curriculum which delivers attributes such as curiosity, resilience, enterprising behaviour, environmental awareness and more.

Our teaching staff are highly trained in Physical Education and ensure that pupils gain valuable sporting experience both in school and out. Our children compete and succeed at district and county levels regularly – they’ve even managed to achieve at a national level! From Judo, Fencing and Yoga through to Cross-Country and traditional Invasion Games, the children have a wide range of sports that often stoke an enthusiasm to take on after-school clubs - of which, Blue Coat offers the widest selection for miles around.

The school also places high value on The Arts. The ability to learn a wide range of instruments and join the school orchestra and choir encourages many of our pupils to perform, grade and enjoy music at a level suitable for them. Art and Dance is also enjoyed and there isn’t a term that passes where the children don’t experience some form of drama and public performance.

There's more to our school than can be summarised in one page! Please contact us for a personal tour and find out whether Blue Coat could be the school to prepare your child in becoming Future Ready. 

What Other's Say

We love our school and think that Blue Coat is a special place. However, we are clearly biased! Don't take our word for it: here's what others think...

  •  "As always my visit to Blue Coat was inspiring: so many varied and valuable experiences are on offer for the children and indeed for the whole community too, with chance for everyone, both young and older, to benefit in so many ways." ~ Bishop's Visitor, Mrs Beverly Butler, 2019
  • "The school's dedication to ensuring every child has outstanding play opportunities, every day, with no exceptions has become a reality. In my 18 years of working with schools I have never come across anything as good or comprehensively integrated into every aspect of school life." ~UK Leading Play Expert & OPAL Director, Michael Follett, 2018
  • 'The focus on outdoor play and learning enriches the lives of pupils, allowing them to develop life-enhancing skills which are integral to ‘Future Readiness’.'
  • 'The joyful enthusiasm to play in the beach space, or to write ribbon prayers for a tree in the quiet area, demonstrates the impact of such a creative site. Above all, Blue Coat is an enabling environment for all ages and interests. The use of the playground and field is inspirational.' ~SIAMS Inspector, Mrs Allyson Taylor, 2019
  • "The children at Blue Coat are wonderfully well-mannered and friendly to one another! They are quick to support each other and demonstrate excellent learning behaviour!" ~Agency Supply Class Teacher, 2019
  •  "Very much recommend it. This is an outstanding school! The staff/support staff and ethos of learning and outdoor play is exceptional. The boys love it and we hugely appreciate the positive community."
  •  "It is a fabulous school with a kind, caring atmosphere. I would recommend this school to other parents."
  •  "We're always singing Blue Coat's praises and using it's ethos as an example to others!"