

Bramham School

Bramham is an inclusive Primary School which has been recognised by OfSTED as being ‘A good school (which) is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs’. We know our children as individuals and we tailor our teaching to their needs in this way.  We are proud of our family ethos and our children quickly develop their own engagement in their learning, focusing on aspirations for their future and evaluating their progress along the way. Our staff are professional and approachable, caring and dedicated. We nurture and celebrate children’s dreams and aspirations and we passionately believe that each day is special for children in Bramham Primary School; each day is the opportunity to grow and develop in our learning; to build knowledge, resilience, tolerance and to develop our interest in the world around us.

Shadwell School

Shadwell is an inclusive one form entry Outstanding Primary School.  We know our children as individuals and we tailor our teaching to their needs in this way.  We are proud of our family ethos and our children quickly develop their own engagement in their learning, focusing on aspirations for their future and evaluating their progress along the way.   Our staff are professional and approachable, caring and dedicated.  We nurture and celebrate children’s dreams and aspirations and we passionately believe that each day is special for children in Shadwell Primary School; each day is the opportunity to grow and develop in our learning; to build knowledge, resilience, tolerance and to develop our interest in the world around us.

The Federation of Bramham and Shadwell is a well-established Federation which is dedicated to providing the very best quality in education and pastoral care for your children.  We pride ourselves in our broad and balanced curriculum which is exciting and challenging.  We have a talented and enthusiastic staff who are committed to personalising your child’s experiences of learning in school.  We believe that the love and care given to your child in our school, along with our outstanding high expectations and outcomes, provides them with the enjoyment of long-lasting learning they will use as their foundation stone for life.

About Us

Excellence for All

At Bramham Shadwell Federation, we are proud of our family ethos and we quickly develop our engagement in learning, focusing on aspirations for our future and evaluating our progress along the way.   Our teachers are caring and dedicated; they celebrate our dreams and aspirations and believe that each day in school is special. Children only have one childhood and one chance at Primary School and we know that each day is the opportunity to grow and develop in our learning; to build knowledge, resilience, tolerance and to develop our interest in the world around us. Every moment is precious at school; we learn to persevere, become resilient, to be healthy, to have friends and to be respectful; we are not afraid to make mistakes along the way. Everyone is special – the children, parents, staff and governors and together we will achieve ‘Excellence for All’.  

(Written by Mrs Richards, Mrs Wilson and the School Council, June 2016)

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