As Head Teacher of Brentry Primary School, I am very pleased to welcome you to this website, and to the school itself. It is a unique and popular school, based in the close knit community of Brentry in North Bristol. It has around 210 pupils on role, aged between 4 and 11. It is a very special place that combines a hard working, determined and aspirational ethos with a happy, friendly and fun atmosphere.
I have had the privilege of being associated with the school for many years; as Class Teacher, Deputy Head and now, Head Teacher. Why have I stayed around so long? Well...the pupils are a delight; bubbly, motivated, creative and respectful. We are well supported in our efforts to educate them by an ambitious and appreciative set of parents and carers. The staff, both teaching and non teaching, are superb; dedicated, diligent and caring. They take their jobs very seriously, but not themselves, and the school is always full of laughter. Combine all this with an excellent Governing Body, an invaluable group of volunteers and beautiful, spacious grounds, and you can see why the school very quickly gets into your blood.
We work as partners towards achieving our Mission: Learn Together - SHARE Success. We have agreed outcomes we aspire to for our pupils in terms of academic ability and personal growth, that when achieved, will ensure they are informed and contributing citizens by the time they leave us. The Mission is explained in more detail in a section in the 'About Us' dropdown.
The school's 60th birthday saw the beginning of major work to refurbish the building from head to toe, thanks to a successful application to the DfE's Priority Schools' Building Programme. We are now based in a state of the art environment, with heating that actually works! This has made the school an even better place to learn.
We are very proud of our consistently high standards in terms of pupil achievement and results. We are equally proud of the recognition we have gained in other areas over time, through initiatives such as the International School Award, the Quality Mark, the Primary Science Mark, Healthy Schools Plus status and the Eco Schools Awards.
During the pandemic, we tried extremely hard to maintain our high expectations and pupil performance, and worked with many families to try and overcome obstacles to remote learning. We acted very much as a hub, and offered support to many via our own foodbank and food delivery service. Throughout these past few difficult years, we have worked hand in hand with parents and helped keep everyone safe, happy and nourished. I can honestly say that I am very proud of how this school community pulled together at the toughest of times.
Despite our successes, we are continually looking to improve. In light of this, whilst we hope you enjoy this website and find it useful, we would genuinely appreciate any feedback you could give us on how to make it even better.
Brentry Primary School is a great environment in which to learn and a fantastic place to work. Come along and visit us to find out for yourselves what a lovely school it is!
Mr Geraint Clarke
Head Teacher