
Our School


Cosby Primary School is situated in pleasant, rural surroundings on the outskirts of the village of Cosby and currently caters for two hundred and fifty eight children, mainly from the village.

The oldest part of the building, the original junior school in the village, is more than one hundred years old and has been added to over the decades with the most recent addition fifteen years ago, which replaced the annexe at the other end of the village and brought us all together on one site.

In addition to our ten classrooms and Preschool, the school has a central library and we are fortunate to have a hall with a stage and an up to date computer suite. There are three playgrounds, two playing fields and extensive school grounds, which include an environmental area.

The staff aim to provide a secure and settled environment, building on our strengths and successes, whilst still working towards continuous improvement by implementing new initiatives and developments that will further enhance children’s learning. We work together to provide a broad and creative curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs of each individual child, placing a strong emphasis on the teaching of the basic skills of English and Maths to ensure that each child does their best and fulfils their potential in all areas. We celebrate success at every opportunity and there are many occasions when children can earn certificates and other rewards for their achievements. These are all recognised every week in our Friday celebration assemblies.

It is important that children at Cosby have a voice and take on additional responsibilities. We have an active and successful School Council as well as House Captains, Sports Captains, Outdoor Ambassadors, Play Leaders and Reading Champions. They work hard through the year to find out children’s opinions as well as organising and supporting many of our school activities.

We have a committed, hardworking governing body who take their role in supporting and challenging the school to achieve the best possible standards very seriously. They meet regularly as a full Governing Body, as well as in committees. They regularly visit the school to view its work and to meet with staff and children.

We recognise the valuable role that parents have to play and encourage parents to take advantage of the many opportunities to share in their child’s education, recognising that children achieve well when a strong partnership between home and school is in place.

We have an active Friends of Cosby School association which meets regularly to organise social and fundraising events for children and their families. The funds they raise are greatly appreciated as they further enhance our facilities.

 We are proud of all that our school has to offer and visitors are always welcome!

Vision, Values and Aims

"Working together for Excellence"


Our core values are: Respect, Friendship, Trust, Honesty, Confidence and Determination

We believe in:

Promoting values for life in our children, providing a place where every child is valued and learns to value, trust and respect themselves and those around them.

Providing our children and staff with a caring, friendly learning environment where children are motivated to learn and have the confidence and determination to succeed.

Leading by example through nurturing trust and honesty.

Establishing a team built of children, parents, staff, governors and the wider community, where we all work together for excellence.

School Aims

Cosby Primary School aims to enable each child to:

  • Be someone who loves to learn and aspires to fulfil their true potential.
  • Be a confident, creative and independent learner with the skills to succeed in the future.
  • Be a resourceful, resilient risk-taker who makes the most of every learning opportunity.
  • Take pride in themselves and their achievements and show respect for others and the environment.
  • Cooperate, collaborate and communicate effectively.
  • Be happy, healthy and active members of the school and wider community.

How will we achieve this?

We will achieve the above aims and vision statement through:

  • Striving for a high quality of teaching and learning through which children of all abilities can achieve their full potential.
  • Providing a happy, secure environment where children are valued equally and value one another and where they can develop their self - esteem and self-discipline.
  • Offering a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum based upon high expectations and standards, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy and which promotes learning through encouragement and praise.
  • Encouraging parents to take an active role in supporting their child's learning through regular communication, welcoming volunteers in school and providing opportunities to find out more about the school.
  • Developing positive links between home and school, governors, and the wider community in order to support the children's learning.
  • Enabling and encouraging the whole staff and governors to work together as a team, sharing expertise and valuing one another's strengths.
  • Continuing the rigorous process of self-monitoring and evaluation, identifying where improvement need to be made and drawing up appropriate plans to bring them about.

Success Academy Trust

"Building Leadership and Character Together"

Cosby Primary School joined Success Academy Trust as one of its founding members in February 2017. We work closely with the other schools in the Trust: Thomas Estley Community College, Hallbrook Primary School and Richmond Primary School, enabling collaboration and partnership in providing the highest quality learning experience for all our pupils.

To find out more information about Success Academy Trust please click here. 

Awards and Memberships