
About Us


Crowdys Hill School is an all through special school for pupils aged 5 – 19 with complex needs. We have 260 pupils on roll and are actively committed to the highest standards in safeguarding. This is a happy school where our children and young people are given the opportunity to flourish and grow in a supportive and aspirational environment.

We aim to:

  • provide our students with an enriched and extended curriculum tailored to individual needs.
  • help our students develop positive feelings of self-worth and confidence.
  • enable them to make a successful transition to adulthood and to be active and responsible citizens
  • help children understand the importance of truth and fairness, so that they grow up committed to equal opportunities for all.
  • enable children to have respect for themselves and positive self-esteem, and to be able to live and work co-operatively with others.

We are all committed to maintaining high expectations for each and every student.  Our strong emphasis on building independence ensures our students leave school not only with a range of qualifications but also the skills they will need to live a fulfilling life within their community.

Values & Ethos

Values / Ethos

We value equality.

We believe that all pupils should have the best education that allows them to access all activities, participate fully in school life, and achieve their goals.

We value education.

We believe that learning is essential for a happy life. Learning should not stop due to age, ability or achievements.

We value collaboration.

We believe that the school community should work harmoniously with each other.

We believe that the school community should be part of the local community and beyond.

Our motto is ‘Learning for Life’.

Learning to enable us all to live our best lives, and learning throughout our lifetime.

Our ethos is to ensure that all members of the school community have the tools they need to carry out their roles successfully, becoming a valued member of the school. Whether these are the teachers having the expertise to perform to high standards, caretaking staff having the knowledge needed to maintain the safety of the school, teaching assistants understanding the needs of individuals, or pupils learning how to regulate their emotions to be able to access learning.

Working For Us

If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now?

You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team.

We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers!