

Children are at the heart of all we do and we provide a caring and welcoming atmosphere where our children are motivated and excited by learning. We have a commitment to raising standards to ensure all our children realise their full potential and achieve the highest levels. We recognise and celebrate children’s achievements across all areas of school life, whether it be academic, sport, the arts, effort or community. We are fortunate to have specialist teachers in spanish, art, music and P.E. We have a dedicated and talented staff team who are focussed on improving the quality of teaching and learning. Staff collaborate to share best practice to ensure the children have high quality provision. Children have opportunities to learn through a wide range of educational visits and events, including residential trips in Year 5 and 6. We continually review our curriculum to ensure learning is relevant to all our children which reflects our cultural diversity. We have an experienced and supportive Governing Body who are committed to school improvement. We also have an active parent group, C.O.S.I. (Community Organisation for School Improvement) who are always busy fund-raising and organising fun events for the children.

About Us

Our Aims and Ethos   Our aims for our children are that they are: ¨ Literate and numerate ¨ Challenged and able to fulfil their potential ¨ Inquisitive learners ¨ Confident, independent and organised ¨ Able to make positive choices ¨ Happy and considerate to others Downsview is an ethnically and culturally diverse community, which is both valued and celebrated across the school. Pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the wider world we live in is enrichedthrough learning about different cultures and traditions. There is a strong passion for learning throughout and all children are encouraged to be active learners, to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and to recognise how they learn best andhow to improve. Hard work and positive attitudes are consistently valued and celebrated. Our ethos is to show consideration and respect to others at all times.  We promote positive behaviour.We use the language of ‘choice’ and ‘reward’, encouraging the children to make the right choicesand demonstrate rights respecting behaviours.

Working for Us

...If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.Join our School Talent Pool now!For more information about School Talent Pools visit www.eteach.com