Our Function:
The Leicester Partnership School provides a pupil referral service to Leicester City’s mainstream secondary schools and has played a significant and key role in the development of Leicester City’s Secondary Behaviour & Inclusion Strategy. The LPS has been instrumental in...
- developing a graded Pastoral Support Planning [PSPs] system
- developing a universal information passport
- The developing a high quality Alternative Provider Network for young people who find it difficult to make progress and succeed in a mainstream school environment.
The LPS has progressed from being a number of separate, semi-autonomous, education centres / units into a federation of provision consisting of 2 specialist education centres. These Centres have a range of separate & distinct functions as detailed below:
KS 3 & 4 Education Centre – Carisbrooke Centre:
- In-School & Outreach Support (Helping to support appropriate referrals and raise mainstream schools’ capacity to managing more challenging students)
- KS3 & 4 Dual Registration and / or Permanent Exclusion – (70 FTE places).
Millgate Lodge Centre:
- KS4 vocational placements – [20 FTE places] – Providing high quality and suitable alternative / vocational education for permanently excluded students who find it hard to achieve within a mainstream school or specialist setting
- KS4 brokered vocational placement & quality assurance services – [50+ places] – offering mainstream schools a quality assured network of alternative provision providers
- Each of these functions is critical to the smooth running and delivery of the City’s current secondary behaviour support arrangements.
- Because the LPS is able to respond in a timely manner students can be assessed and managed effectively while suitable long term education provision is identified and arranged.
In July 2018 Ofsted judged our education provision and support arrangements to be good and reported that …
“Leaders have successfully maintained a culture where pupils feel safe and where trust and mutually respectful relationships are evident between staff and pupils. This is a real strength of the school. Pupils, parents and carers are positive about the school and feel well informed and supported. A typical parental comment was: ‘It’s brilliant, it’s like I’ve got a different lad!’ Behaviour is well managed.”
“Pupils have access to a wide range of vocational programmes of study, all of which can lead to an accredited qualification.”