

Ninelands is a Foundation School catering for pupils between the ages of three and eleven.  For over 60 years we have worked in close partnership with our children and their families to ensure that everyone achieves success and enjoys their time with us.

Our Mission Statement

At Ninelands, we believe in making learning irresistible, meaningful and memorable. We want all our children to thrive in a happy, secure and inclusive environment where they develop enquiring minds, enjoy learning and have high aspirations, every lesson, every day. We challenge our children to be independent and self-motivated with the resilience to continue their learning journey so they can flourish, contributing positively to society with strength and compassion.

The aims of our school are:

• To develop enquiring minds, an enthusiasm for learning, and ability to co-operate and a desire to achieve.

• To encourage everyone to understand their strengths, creating growth mindsets which embrace challenge.

• To maintain a broad, balanced, exciting and meaningful curriculum which enables every child to experience success and a strong sense of achievement through a wide range of experiences.

• To promote self-discipline so that children become increasingly responsible for their own behaviour, growing themselves as self-reliant and self-motivated learners.

• To foster in all members of the school community, a positive appreciation of the importance of inclusion, diversity and cultural heritage, and of the role we all play in our society.

• For children to be a part of the school and wider town and city community and for them to understand and value how they can actively contribute.

• To establish and maintain positive relationships with parents and carers so their child’s learning journey is a partnership.

• To support, value and empower staff to create an environment that enables our aims and mission.

About Us

Welcome to Ninelands Primary School

We love learning, particularly outdoors, and have a reputation for high academic results and outstanding pastoral care.

We believe that children should work hard, but that education should be stimulating, enjoyable and exciting. We believe in good discipline and academic achievement but also in the education of the whole child and therefore offer experiences in the widest possible range of areas of study including the arts and outdoor learning. Our extensive grounds include an allotment, pond, wild area, two fields, three playgrounds and a fantastic new purpose built foundation area. We have a strong music tradition and a passion for creativity in all areas of the curriculum.

We welcome parents/carers as partners in their children’s education. A successful partnership depends on close co-operation, support and trust between home and school and recognition that we have a shared responsibility. We operate an open door policy where parents/carers can raise worries, ask questions and share information freely. 

The school leadership structure currently comprises: Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, School Business Leader and a Team Leader for each age phase.

We benefit from a good range of experience on the staff team which has a fairly low staff turnover. We are committed to professional development, hence staff who leave us tend to be ready for further promotion or move due to family circumstances.

All our talented staff strive to maintain a caring, safe, happy, purposeful and stimulating environment where each child feels respected and valued and is encouraged to achieve their true potential.  We are part of the Noctua School Alliance and also work very closely with our neighbouring primary schools and Garforth Academy, our feeder high school, to ensure high quality experiences and education for all families in the Garforth community.  

Working for us

If you're searching for your next post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.

Take a look around our school