


Our aim is to educate children in the truest sense of the word - to light a fire, not simply fill the bucket. Driven by our Thinking School approach, and delivered by dynamic and inspiring teaching, we strive to develop a passion for learning that will carry our pupils through their school years and beyond.


We create an environment where children’s views and ideas are respected and encouraged. We believe that the classroom should be a place where pupils feel safe to challenge and be challenged.


When children do not fear being wrong, they are ready to express their own views, test out new ideas and take risks. At NHP, we celebrate making mistakes, and learning from them, as the path to deeper learning. We nurture the hardy attitudes and habits that will serve our children well, now and in later life. In doing this, we instil in our pupils the ability to problem solve and become independent.

About Us

Choosing a school for your child can be a daunting process.

At NHP our aim is to educate children in the truest sense of the word - to light a fire, not simply fill a bucket.

In a nurturing and happy environment children are encouraged to question and explore on their journey to becoming life-long learners.


Here is a check list of five key facts about NHP to help you with your decision making:


1) NHP is non-selective. We do not assess pupils prior to entry in Reception, and thus we are mixed ability throughout the school.

2) NHP is a co-ed school. We believe the benefits of boys and girls being educated alongside each other are myriad.

3) NHP is a split-site school. We are housed in two buildings: a Victorian school house (Lower School) and a bespoke modern building (Upper School), each with its own distinctive atmosphere and warmth. The Lower School caters for pupils from Reception to Year 3. They move to the Upper School for Year 4 and beyond.

4) We provide a robust programme of preparation for exit to senior schools at both 11+ and 13+. We explicitly do not prepare children for 7+ or 8+ exams.

 5) NHP has a considered informal style. Schools rules are kept to a minimum to ensure the safety and happiness of the children. Our pupils are given enough freedom to know and appreciate right from wrong - and to learn to act with integrity.