
About Us

Paddock School is an environment that is dedicated to ensuring that pupils have the opportunity to thrive in a setting where they feel calm, secure and happy. We are proud to be a Level 2 UNICEF Rights Respecting School.  We place the Rights of the Child at the heart of our school, along with our school vision 'To Nurture, Inspire and Transform Lives.'  Our teachers have expert knowledge, and are committed to putting pupils first in everything they do.

Paddock School is a Wandsworth maintained special school for pupils aged 4 - 19 years old (Nursery to Year 14) with autistic spectrum disorders and moderate to severe learning difficulties.  Placements at our schools are made by the Council's Special Needs Assessment Section, in consultation with the headteacher and parent(s) or carer(s).

Pupils are taught in classes of up to 9 pupils with a specialist teacher with usually 4 special school support assistants.  The children follow a topic based curriculum which is modified to take account of their individual learning needs.  Most of the pupils in the school have a diagnosis of Autism, so we work hard to make the school an ASD friendly environment.  We use a structured teaching approach (TEACCH) throughout the school. 

Vision & Values

Our Vision is 'To Nurture, Inspire and Transform Lives.' 

Our school values came about as a result of consultation with pupils, staff and governors.  The values sit perfectly alongside our Rights Respecting values and our school and class charters, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Put Pupils' Interests First

  • Have high expectations
  • Encourage broader life opportunities
  • Celebrate achievement
  • Recognise the importance of partnerships with parents
  • Teach the way pupils learn

Commitment to the Community

  • Create and develop community partnerships
  • Form partnerships with businesses and community organisations
  • Support global links
  • Promote equality inside and outside school

Attract and Only Retain Excellent Staff

  • Teamwork and individual excellence is expected from each member of staff
  • Develop staff capabilities
  • Respect all staff as long as they don't compromise our integrity

Always Innovative

  • Encourage creative thinking and new ideas
  • Reflect on our practice
  • Embrace change
  • Encourage better ways to achieve our goals

Respect and Show Fairness To All

  • Listen to others point of view
  • Affirm cultural diversity within the school community
  • Value all members of the school community
  • Acknowledge that all members of the community have rights and should show respect to one another