
Welcome Message from the Head Teacher

I would like to welcome you to our school.

We value highly the positive relationships we build between children, parents, staff, governors and our local community.

We want each child to have special and happy memories of their time here. The school is a happy, stimulating and caring place and we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners. We are highly ambitious for all of our children and there is a driving determination to ensure that pupils and adults in the school reach their full potential.

We offer a rich and varied curriculum, including high quality arts and music provision, partner school links with other countries, a successful football team and a wide range of after school and community events and activities.

We hope our career page and school website gives you a flavour of Seely. 

We look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Katharine Clifford


Values and Ethos

Our belief is that all children have the right to a stimulating learning environment where they are motivated to learn through the provision of a varied and exciting curriculum. We promote excellent standards of behaviour, have high expectations and are committed to high standards of achievement for all our pupils.

At Seely primary and Nursery School we:

  • Provide a safe learning environment which promotes creativity and a curiosity of the wider world.
  • Encourage children to be confident, independent lifelong learners.
  • Encourage children to have a positive view of their own self worth, enabling them to feel secure and valued as individuals within the school community.
  • Provide an inspiring, challenging environment for ALL children so that they can become highly motivated learners.
  • Develop an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed.
  • Develop the whole child, nurturing and extending their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
  • Provide equal opportunities for ALL children.
  • Teach children a sense of responsibility showing respect for others and the environment.

Fair Workload School


We are all thrilled to be part of this new and exciting venture. As a school community we have a lot to look forward to over the coming terms.

We extend a particularly warm welcome to those of you new to Seely and hope you soon feel part of the family. 

If you see a job advert with the Fair Workload Logo, that School has signed up to the Charter. This means that you can expect: a fair and reasonable workload high-quality training and professional development opportunities that meet the needs of individual members of staff a pay and rewards package at least that of the national agreement for teachers, and the Local Authority pay scale for support staff.

The Fair Workload Charter sets out what teachers and other staff can expect from the schools that sign up to participate. This includes adopting schemes such as the ‘five-minute lesson plan’ model and the marking policy clarifying what will and won’t be marked. Schools should also ensure teachers get access to Continuous Professional Development and that Teaching Assistants are supported to progress to Qualified Teacher Status where they choose to do so.