

SS John and Monica Catholic Primary School is a successful, oversubscribed, richly diverse school in the Moseley area of Birmingham. We are friendly, hardworking and committed to raising pupil achievement through consistently high expectations.

 Our core purpose is to nurture the ‘whole-child’, encouraging them to grow spiritually, academically, and socially. We ensure that all children in our school have the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential.

SS. John and Monica Catholic Primary School recognises the need for children to be equipped with the necessary intellectual and life skills, to be able to move on to their next stage of education and beyond. Our wish is for our pupils to make a positive contribution to their communities now and in the future.


A very warm welcome to SS John and Monica Catholic Primary School.

My name is Melanie Elliott and I am privileged to be the Head Teacher of this successful, vibrant and inclusive school. As a parent of two school aged children, I recognise the importance of selecting a school which has high expectations and which nurtures the ‘whole-child’, encouraging them to grow spiritually, academically, and socially. At Ss John and Monica's we all strive to live out our mission statement, to learn through the example of Jesus, to love, respect, understand and value each other. Our core purpose is to ensure that all children in our school have the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential. We recognise that it takes a community to raise a child and we are proud of the strong partnership we have with our parents/carers. Together we can work to guide our children throughout their educational journey, helping them to be successful life-long learners and positive role models, who can contribute to society in the future.

We look forward to welcoming you to our unique, inclusive, caring and friendly school.

Mrs. M. Elliott (B.Ed. Hons, NPQH)

Aims and Core Values

At SS John and Monica’s Catholic Primary School, our aim is to enable every individual regardless of ability to achieve their full potential, to prepare for future life and to become lifelong learners and to become good citizens equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.

Our school mission statement is at the heart of everything we do and guides our pupils, staff and whole school community.

‘At SS John and Monica’s, we learn through the example of Jesus to love, respect, understand and value each other’

The Values that underpin our vision:

To Develop An Understanding Of Self

Each child is guided to:

  • Develop an appreciation and awareness of self
  • Have a positive attitude towards their own learning
  • Achieve their fullest potential regardless of their ability and gender
  • Have high personal expectations of work and behaviour
  • Become independent learners and thinkers
  • Show an attitude to living a healthy and active life

To Develop An Understanding Of Others

Each child is guided to:

  • Care for others and oneself
  • Establish positive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
  • Show mutual respect for spiritual and cultural diversity
  • Understand the importance of learning together, and working together as a team
  • Develop an understanding of society and British Values
  • Valuable members of the school community
  • Able to appreciate and celebrate their own and others success
  • Contribute positively to their community of the community

To Develop An Understanding Of The Environment

Each child is guided to:

  • Take an active role in caring for the learning environment of the school
  • Appreciate and respect the outdoor environment of the school

To Develop A Love Of Learning

Each child is guided to:

  • To develop confidence and self esteem
  • Have good knowledge and understanding of the subjects
  • Have high expectations of themselves to achieve their full potential
  • Becoming independent and creative learners, taking ownership of learning
  • Being prepared to take a risks and be innovative
  • Have a good understanding of what they need to do to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Developing their communication and numerical skills
  • Participate in and contribute to the learning that that is provided in school to take their learning forward
  • Feel safe and secure in a caring and supportive environment where getting things wrong is acceptable

Mission Statement

At SS John and Monica, we learn through the example of Jesus, to love, respect, understand and value each other.

The Catholic Primary Partnership

Our School is part of The Catholic Primary Partnership (CPP)

The Catholic Primary Partnership (CPP) was established in 1995

We are a family of eighty-three Catholic primary schools established in 1995, whose core purpose is to promote curriculum and professional development to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in our member schools.

Schools work together in true partnership, sharing expertise and enriching the education of all children in an atmosphere of Christian love, for the benefit Catholic Education across the West Midlands.

Vacancies at our schools can be found here  

Further information about us can be found on our website at: The CPP   

Staff Testimonies

Working at SS John and Monica’s is a joy. We all support each other and are like one big family. Our parents are supportive and our children enjoy school. We provide many opportunities for our children making our school a fun, exciting place to be. Having a forest school is amazing because we get to work with our children in a different environment and observe friendships and behaviours that we may not see in the classroom.

Our Head teacher (Mrs Elliott) is very supportive and fair. We have regular CPD and annual meetings to discuss our personal goals for the upcoming year. If you are hard-working and positive, then this is the place for you!

(Year 2 Teacher)

I have worked at this school for 8 years and spent time teaching in all of the KS2 classes. It is a warm, friendly school which has a sense of "family" about it. Our Catholic values permeate all that we do, so we all try to be supportive and caring towards everyone in our school community. Teachers care very much about the children who come here and we work as a team to give the children the best possible education and wonderful experiences in school. My career progression has been supported and developed at this school and I have enjoyed taking on new challenges and developing my skills and knowledge. The school site is lovely; we are surrounded by trees and our classrooms are light and airy. Our children are respectful, keen to learn and love to get involved in all school has to offer. This is a positive and supportive place to teach.

(Year 6 Teacher)

I have been lucky enough to work at SS John & Monica for nearly 23 years. I started here on my college placement and never left. The school and staff are unbelievable. Staff are always happy to help and they always go the extra mile with the children and other members of staff. I feel privileged to have been part of this community for so long. I have been encouraged throughout my time here to be the best I can be and I feel that I would not be the person I am today had it not been for working at this school. I hope to have many more years at SS John & Monica School. I see this school as my second family and what a family it is!

My own daughter came here and she grew to be a confident, happy, studious and polite young lady and that is thanks to the brilliant teaching from all staff, feeling loved and cared for by them, generally supported in all that she did here.

(Learning Support Assistant Y6)

We are a friendly school with an amazing staff, wonderful children and what could only be described as a breath-taking setting. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure of working at S.S John and Monica for the past 8 years and would argue that we are the best school in the city! However, I would say we are more a family than a school. As a staff, we work very closely together where we can share and learn from each other. Working here, I have been presented with countless opportunities to develop both as a teacher and leader and feel blessed to have had such a wide range of CPD that have allowed me to continue learning and improve.

(Deputy Head Teacher)

I feel very lucky and proud to be part of the SS John & Monica family. We are blessed with wonderful children, supportive parents and staff that create a kind, understanding and positive environment to work in. As a Catholic school our Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. Everyone at our school, both adults and children, are valued members of the SS John & Monica community. Opportunities for professional development are always encouraged and we have an excellent team of staff with a variety of skills and experiences that can be shared. And if that isn't enough, our environment here at SS John & Monica, surrounded by our very own forest, is truly unique and wonderful!

(Reception Class Teacher)

My name is Tahiera Ali and I am a proud member of the SS John and Monica team. I have been a Teaching Assistant at SSJonMon for just over 28 years now and this, in itself, is a testament to how good our school is. As a school, our mission is to support and guide our children to be the best they can be...to be strong in character...to have integrity and firm principles and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus by being loving, respectful, understanding and grateful. Our wonderful school will help you to reach your full potential and be the best practitioner you can be. At SS John and Monica’s we are a family and this is apparent as soon as you walk through the doors. The children, who are at the heart of our family, will welcome you with open arms as they are the best advocates for our school mission and this is when you will know that you are home.

(Learning Support Assistant Y3)

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