

St John’s is a voluntary controlled Church of England school catering for approximately 360 pupils aged from 3 to 11 years.  

As a school we celebrate each individual child’s uniqueness and aim to do the best for every child in the school.  

At St John's we work together with our children, parents and teachers creating a fully inclusive school which produces the very best outcomes for all our pupils.

About Us

Vision for St John’s:
To work together with the children, parents, teachers to create an outstanding, fully inclusive school producing the very best outcomes for all our pupils.

Culture and ethos of the school:  

To be based on core Christian values of respect, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, thankfulness and love. As a school we must celebrate each individual child’s uniqueness. It is important for the school to practise its Christian faith through its actions and ethos in everything it does. As the majority of our pupils are Muslim we must explicitly explore and celebrate the commonalities and shared values between Christianity and Islam.

Raise standards and ensure all children enjoy learning and achieve to the best of their individual abilities: to achieve this through quality first teaching with EAL principles throughout the school;  Classroom environments and resources to support this;
excellent use of differentiation,assessment used to identify gaps in learning to ensure accelerated progress; clear intervention programmes and provision mapping with rigorous tracking of pupils and regular pupil progress meetings; rigorous monitoring and evaluation to ensure best classroom practise; an engaging school curriculum; welcome, support and challenge for both SEN and G&T pupils, indeed for all pupils; use innovative approaches to support inclusion- horticultural therapy; improve leadership and management systems throughout the school to support school improvement; use pupil and parent voice to improve the outcomes for the children.

Encourage a life-long love of learning:
The children are encouraged to be inquirers, reflectors, critical thinkers, communicators, risk takers, knowledgeable, principled, well balanced, caring, open minded, accomplished, committed.

Engage with the community:
By building links with local community groups, mosques and churches. It is important that as a school we listen rather than tell and engage with the different community groups on their terms. We need to hold a stakeholder day and a community day; increase parental involvement with a parent forum as well as continuing the parent partnership work; encourage parents who want to do voluntary work in the school and offer placements to any parents who need them. Increase community links through an eco group, to link with local and national and international environmental groups. The school also needs to build on national and international links with schools to impact on our children’s wider sense of self.

Working For Us

If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. 

By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.

For more information about School Talent Pools visit www.eteach.com

Safeguarding Recruitment Statement

St John's C. E. Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We particularly welcome applications from under represented groups including ethnicity, gender, transgender, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

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