- Clarendon School
- Strathmore School
- Capella House
Clarendon is a community special school for 140 pupils aged four to 16 with moderate learning difficulties, many of whom have additional complex needs, including autism. The school manages an offsite centre: Gateway, which is for pupils aged 11-16 co-located with Twickenham Academy.
Strathmore is a community special school for 95 learners with complex learning difficulties. Many pupils have an additional diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or have additional physical and sensory disabilities.
Capella House is a new special school proposed to open in September 2019 and is part of the Auriga Academy Trust. The school, based in Twickenham, will offer places to 72 pupils aged 4 - 19 who have speech, language and communication difficulties and are within the average cognitive ability range.
It will be based on two sites:
Capella House Secondary Centre is proposed to open in September 2019 in Egerton Road, Twickenham. Initially it will offer places to between 14 and 21 pupils and reach its capacity of 44 pupils aged 11 - 19 by 2022/23. This building is complete and ready for occupation.
Capella House Primary Centre is proposed to open in September 2020 in Amyand House, Amyand Park Road, Twickenham (subject to further consultation and planning consent). Initially it will offer places to 14 pupils and will reach its capacity of 28 pupils aged 4 - 11 by 2022/23.
The Auriga Academy Trust is founded on the vision that, through working together, we can provide outstanding learning experiences for the pupils and students in our communities, both now and in the future. The attached Trust Business Plan outlines how we are going to achieve this.
To view each schools' individual Career Sites, please select one from the list below:
Clarendon School
Strathmore School
Capella House