
Welcome from the Headteacher

The history of the school can be traced as far back as 1844 when the Sisters of Mercy came to Nottingham and opened St Mary’s Elementary School and St Catherine’s Day and Boarding School on this site. Since then as the demands for the Catholic education grew within Nottingham so has the school, to the special place it is today educating over eleven hundred young people. The school is an active member of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust, along with the other twenty Catholic schools within Nottinghamshire.

We are a Catholic school with the aim of developing our young people spiritually, socially and academically with Christ at the centre of our work. Our school motto, ‘Ad de Gloriam’ meaning what we do we offer to the glory of God, underpins the ethos of the school. This is developed further within our school mission statement:

“To the Glory of God, we build our school on faith, love and respect”

Academically we are consistently one of the highest performing schools within Nottingham City both at GCSE and A-Level. We ensure that all our students secure an appropriate next pathway in their education upon leaving Trinity, whether that be an apprenticeship, studying in our thriving sixth form or, following A-Levels, securing a place at a top university.

Beyond the curriculum, we offer unrivalled opportunities in music, where all students take up an instrument, play in an orchestra and learn to read music. In sport, we are extremely proud of our offer and achievements particularly in football, netball, rugby and handball. We run a highly successful Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and have a rich programme of extra-curricular activities for everyone.

Please visit our school website to find out more about our wonderful school.

Mr Shenton


Ofsted 2019

The Trinity Catholic School was last inspected by Ofsted between the 12th and 13th of March 2019. The school was judged to be GOOD.

During the inspection, Inspectors observed 43 parts of lessons in a range of subjects.

Inspectors also visited 10 tutor-time sessions and three assemblies.

Inspectors spoke with five groups of pupils across all year groups and with pupils informally during the school day.

Inspectors looked at samples of pupils’ work across a broad range of curriculum subjects.

A range of documentation was examined, including the school’s self-evaluation, the school’s improvement plan, pupils’ performance information, behaviour logs, the minutes of meetings of the local governing body and a range of school policies.

Inspectors met with a range of school leaders, including the headteacher and senior leaders responsible for teaching and learning, the sixth form, behaviour and personal development. Inspectors also spoke with the designated safeguarding leader and with the coordinators for the provision for pupils with SEND and those with English as an additional language.

Inspectors met with subject leaders and a selection of staff. A discussion was held with the leader with oversight for the use of the pupil premium. The lead inspector met with three members of the local governing body, which included the chair.

A meeting was also held with members of Our Lady of Lourdes Multi-Academy Trust, which included the chief executive officer.

The lead inspector evaluated the 120 responses to Parent View, Ofsted’s online survey. The school’s own parental survey information was also considered.

Click here to read the report and find out more. 

Our Trust

The Trinity Catholic Schools is part of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust.  

The Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT brings together the 36 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools in Lincolnshire, Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire.

Why work for us?

  • Access to first class CPD opportunities – we have a specialised CPD Hub to deliver meaningful and relevant CPD for all our staff. Our Leadership Academy identifies and develops future leaders.
  • Genuine opportunities for career progression – with 36 academies in our family, and 84 academies across the Diocese, opportunities for career progression are a reality.
  • Professional assistance – you will have access to an Employee Assistance Programme which provides confidential, independent, and unbiased information and guidance 24/7. If clinically advisable, it also offers face-to-face counselling sessions.
  • Cycle to Work Scheme – you will save money as well as improve your mental health and wellbeing and reduce your Carbon Footprint.
  • Pension – automatic enrolment into the Local Government Pension Scheme for support staff, one of the most competitive on the market, with employer contributions of above 20% in most cases.
  • Terms and Conditions – we have committed to following nationally agreed terms and conditions for pay for support staff.

Please click here to find out more about Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust.