
A Welcome from Mrs Snowden

'Western House Academy - where every opportunity shapes a life'


"We are a three-form entry school nestled within the heart of Cippenham, on the Western edge of Slough. We are one of eight schools that form The Park Federation Academy Trust. Our community is culturally diverse and rich in aspiration giving our school a family-centred quality which we hugely value. Our children are encouraged to celebrate difference and diversity and to develop into caring, respectful young citizens who actively participate in all areas of life; our core values are evident in all we do. We pride ourselves on the welcome that you get when you come and visit!

At Western House Academy, we believe in the strengths and gifts of every individual child and we offer education in a calm, stimulating, warm and inspiring environment. We are a responsive school, accepting the ebb and flow of life and using these opportunities to bring about continuous improvements and better outcomes for our children.

We forge strong links with our Parents and Carers, working together to provide every opportunity for our children and we shape our provision, which is wide ranging and flexible, to meet the needs of our children and families.

We are all proud to be part of Western House Academy and we will not stand still in our pursuit of excellence. Our expectations are high for all and together we build a community where our children develop knowledge and values for life."

Coral Snowden, Principal

Our Vision and Values

By embedding our values-based, high expectation approach to learning and behaviour, we believe in developing the whole-child. What do they need today? What do they need tomorrow? We strive to give children the knowledge and skills to achieve their full potential and be successful lifelong learners who value their emotional health and wellbeing. WHA is a place where no time is wasted and where 'every opportunity shapes a life'.

Our Values

At WHA we believe that children can achieve personal excellence through the teaching and modelling of core values and skills. These values will drive and shape every aspect of school life, and have taken the place of school 'rules'.

It's about more than rules - it's about making good choices. Values give a set of aspirational guidelines within which children must choose the right behaviour in any context.

What is the Federation's Vision?

The Park Federation

The Number One School of Choice for Local Families

Our schools are safe, happy places where creativity is prized. We value and nurture excellent behaviour, determination and ambitious academic standards. Professionalism, humility and service to the community guide everything we do.

Please join us in making our federation a springboard to success!

Dr. Martin Young, Chief Executive

About The Park Federation Academy Trust

Welcome from the CEO and Federation Principal - Dr. Martin Young


"The Park Federation is a community-focused multi-academy trust specialising in primary education. Our mission is to provide first-rate learning in an atmosphere of kindness, care and creativity. We are one of the longest established and most experienced primary federations in the country with ten schools in Slough, Buckinghamshire and Hillingdon. All of our schools, since joining the federation, have been graded by Ofsted as Good or Outstanding. The Park Federation is a big enough organisation to provide excellent support services to our schools, while small enough to ensure that every school and local community has a voice in the way the federation is run and the values it lives by. All our schools have their own unique character, personality and history, while simultaneously benefitting from the strength, security and resources of a larger educational partnership.

The federation was founded over 10 years ago on 16th November 2009 when Cranford Park Primary School and Wood End Park Community School began working in a formal partnership. In 2013 two more schools joined the federation - James Elliman Primary School and Montem Primary School in Slough. By 2014, the four-school federation had grown to six schools with the addition of Western House Primary School in Slough and Lake Farm Park Academy in Hillingdon. Following that, two more schools have joined the family: Godolphin Juniors in Slough and West Drayton Academy in Hillingdon. The two most recent schools to join the federation are Iver Village Infant school who joined in 2023 and Hannah Ball School who joined in 2024.

Our federation growth has been cautious and prudent. We want more children, families and staff members to benefit from joining the federation but are mindful of our responsibilities to the communities that have already placed their trust in us. Growth is never allowed to undermine our commitment to educational standards, high quality pastoral care and community service.

As of 2024, The Park Federation has ten schools: four in Slough, four in Hillingdon and two in Buckinghamshire. It cares for and educates over 6,000 children and employs over 800 people, including more than 200 primary school teachers. Within our large staff team, we have professionals who use their impressive knowledge, skills and expertise to drive educational progress and provide the care and kindness that young children need. Our ten schools look out for each other, especially when times are tough. Three of our eight schools were judged inadequate by Ofsted when they joined us. All three are now Good. We have a proven track record of school improvement and are now working to move all our schools to Outstanding. Mutual support, cooperative working and a commitment to the children and communities we serve are paying dividends."

Dr. Martin Young, Chief Executive

If you would like to learn more, please visit https://www.theparkfederation.co.uk/