

Wigston Menphys Nursery School is a nursery for children aged 2-5 years who have special educational needs, situated in Wigston, South Leicestershire.

The nursery is funded by the Local Authority and staffed by Teachers, Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants, Health Care Workers and Admin Staff.

The nursery's practitioners work closely with other professionals who regularly visit us to support the children's learning. These professionals include Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists, Autism Outreach Service and Teachers from the Hearing and Vision Impaired Service.

Our Core Values

To provide the highest quality education possible we will:

  • Keep pupils at the heart of everything that we do;
  • Create a welcoming, respectful and inclusive environment for all;
  • Enable pupils to learn about themselves, others and the world through play and sensory experiences;
  • Provide learning opportunities that are enriching, stimulating and challenging;
  • Foster a learning environment that is inclusive, happy, safe and healthy;
  • Develop children’s self-esteem and well-being so that they can become resilient and confident learners;
  • Respect the role of parents and carers by building strong, reciprocal and supportive relationships;
  • Value and develop all of our staff – they are our greatest resource;
  • Work collaboratively with others involved in children’s education and their wider life;
  • Be reflective in our approach and act on outcomes to continually move forward;
  • Set the very highest standards in all that we do.