
About Us

Mae Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Gymraeg Llantrisant yn gymuned llawn gofal lle mae pob unigolyn yn bwysig. Mae pob disgybl yr un mor bwysig ac yr un mor werthfawr. Ceisia’r ysgol helpu pobl ifanc i feithrin y wybodaeth, y sgiliau, yr hunan-hyder a’r ymwybyddiaeth er mwyn iddynt fedru cyfrannu’n llawn at gymdeithas a datblygu yn ysbrydol, yn foesol, yn ddiwylliannol a chymdeithasol drwy’r cwricwlwm a gweithgareddau eraill yr ysgol.

Caiff ethos yr ysgol ei lywio drwy anelu at sicrhau gofal, ystyriaeth, a pharch rhwng y disgyblion, y staff a’r gymuned.  Disgwyliwn i ddisgyblion o bob oedran ymddwyn mewn modd briodol tra yn yr ysgol gan ddangos lefel uchel o hunan-barch, parch tuag at eraill o’u cwmpas yn ogystal â pharch tuag at yr ysgol, gan wneud eu gorau i gadw enw da yr ysgol ar bob achlysur.

Nod cwricwlwm yr ysgol yw hyrwyddo datblygiad ysbrydol, moesol a diwylliannol y disgyblion a’u paratoi ar gyfer cyfleoedd, cyfrifoldebau a phrofiadau bywyd fel oedolion.
Mae gan bob aelod o staff yr ysgol, staff addysgu a chynorthwyol, gyfrifoldeb am ddisgyblaeth a gofal bugeiliol disgyblion y tu mewn i’r ysgol yn ogystal â thu allan ar y meysydd chwarae.

Mae rheolau a disgwyliadau wedi eu harddangos ym mhob dosbarth, yn ogystal â mewn ardaloedd cyhoeddus o gwmpas yr ysgol i atgoffa’r disgyblion o’r hyn a ddisgwylir ohonynt. Bydd peth amrywiaeth ar reolau dosbarth, gan mai trwy drafodaeth â’r disgyblion eu hunain y dewisir y rheolau. Bydd y camau gwobrwyo a’r camau cosbi yr un peth i’r mwyafrif helaeth ar draws yr ysgol. Defnyddia’r staff ganmoliaeth llafar, sticeri brolio, sêr, neu sylwadau positif i wobrwyo disgyblion am ymdrechu i wella gwaith neu ymddygiad, a dewisir disgybl o bob dosbarth i dderbyn ‘Tystysgrif Ymdrechwr yr Wythnos’ yn y gwasanaeth ysgol gyfan ar fore Gwener. Dyma enghreifftiau o’r camau cosbi a ddefnyddir yn yr ysgol fel ymateb i gamyddygiad gan ddisgybl :

  • rhybudd llafar oddi wrth aelod o staff

  • symud disgybl i weithio ar wahan

  • aros i mewn am gyfnod yn ystod amser chwarae

  • anfon y disgybl i weithio mewn dosbarth arall

  • anfon y disgybl i weld y Dirprwy-Bennaeth

  • anfon y disgybl i weld y Pennaeth

  • diarddel y disgybl o’r ysgol dros dro, neu yn barhaol (am ddigwyddiad difrifol iawn)

Gwna holl staff yr ysgol, staff addysgu a chynorthwyol, bob ymdrech i geisio atal ‘bwlian’ y tu mewn a’r tu allan i’r dosbarthiadau. Ymdrechwn i annog disgyblion i drafod gydag aelodau staff pan fyddant yn cael eu poeni gan blant eraill yn llafar neu yn gorfforol. Nid yw’r ysgol yn cefnogi nac yn esgusodi rhieni sydd yn annog eu plentyn/plant i ‘dalu’r pwyth yn ôl’ pan fydd disgyblion yn cweryla neu’n ‘cwympo mas’. Caiff y disgyblion eu hatgoffa yn rheolaidd trwy wersi a thrwy wasanaethau yn ogystal â thrafodaethau dosbarth i ymddwyn â pharch a charedigrwydd tuag eraill ar bob achlysur. Gwna’r staff ymdrech i ymchwilio i unrhyw ddadl rhwng disgyblion yn drylwyr ac yn deg. Mae polisiau cynhwysfawr ynghylch ‘Disgyblaeth ac Ymddygiad’ a ‘Gwrth Fwlian’ ar gael i’w darllen yn yr ysgol.


Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Gymraeg Llantrisant is a caring community in which all individuals matter. Each pupil is equally important and equally valued.
The school strives to help young people develop the knowledge, skills, self-confidence and awareness to contribute fully to society. The school’s ethos is shaped by working towards care, consideration and respect being shown between pupils, staff and the community. We expect pupils of every age to behave in an appropriate manner whilst at school and show a high level of self-respect, respect towards others around them in addition to respect for the school, whilst trying their best to uphold the good name of the school at every opportunity.

The aim of the school’s curriculum is to promote spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and life experiences as adults.
Every member of staff at the school, teaching staff and support staff, has responsibility for pupil discipline and pastoral care inside the school as well as outside on the playgrounds.

Rules and expectations are displayed in every class, in addition to public areas around the school in order to remind pupils of what is expected of them. Class rules will vary from class to class as they are drawn up through discussion with the pupils themselves. The rewarding and sanction steps are similar for the vast majority across the school. Staff use verbal praise, reward stickers, stars or positive comments to reward pupils for their efforts to improve their work or behaviour, and one pupil from each class is chosen to receive a “This Week’s Conscientious Worker” certificate in the whole school assembly on Friday morning. Following, are examples of sanctions used in school following incidents of  misbehaviour by a pupil:

  • a verbal warning from a member of staff

  • moving the pupil to sit alone to work

  • staying indoors for a period of time at playtimes

  • moving the pupil to another class to work

  • sending the pupil to the Deputy Head Teacher

  • sending the pupil to the Head Teacher

  • suspending the pupil temporarily, or permanently (for a serious offence)

All members of staff, teaching staff and support staff, make every effort to try and prevent ‘bullying’ both within the classroom and outside. We encourage pupils to discuss matters with members of staff when they are being worried by other children whether it be verbally or physically. The School does not support or excuse parents who encourage their children to “pay back” other pupils when they quarrel or “fall out”. Pupils are frequently reminded to behave appropriately and show respect and kindness towards others at all times through lessons in class and assemblies as well as class discussions. Staff make every effort to investigate thoroughly and fairly any disagreements between pupils. There are comprehensive policies regarding ‘Discipline and Behaviour’ and ‘Bullying’ made available for you to read at school.