Living and working in Switzerland
Imagine working where behaviour isn't an issue, in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
Imagine working where behaviour isn't an issue, in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
We are models for our students to follow, and when we are motivated and energised it’s infectious.
At eTeach, we believe passionately in fair and transparent dealings with all of our candidates and schools.
Once you've been teaching for four or five years, you may feel that you're ready to take on more responsibility.
Now that you have the offer of an interview at a school in Wales, there’s a lot that you can do to prepare.
Getting parents invested in your strategies is of enormous value to the student. Here are five ideas to help.
Where did you spend your commute today? Here are five compelling reasons to make the move to Wales.
It’s a classic misconception that teaching roles are always tied to the national pay scale.
Continuing personal and professional development is, or at least should be, of paramount importance.
It’s time to give your Continuing Professional Development portfolio a refresh and renovate it in to a working tool.
So what do you need to know about Ofsted inspection? Should schools be carrying out “Mocksteds”?
We share all you need to know about the professional standards, issued by law, that came into effect in 2012.
The Eteach Group is an EdTech software and services company, dedicated to providing education recruitment solutions for teachers and support staff to connect directly with schools online and find the latest jobs and opportunities available. To find out more about our mission, visit the About Us page.