The Mead family of schools are united in the belief that together we make a positive difference:
- for our learners
- through our governance
- through our leadership
- through our staff
- to the educational landscape
- through effective operations
Our Vision
To enable our pupils to become knowledgeable, conscious, compassionate and happy people who will make a positive difference wherever life takes them.
Our Values
The Mead family of schools have developed a set of guiding principles (the 7Cs) that define who we are and help to guide us in all that we do. These are:
Challenge: Providing an excellent education by having high aspirations for all. Providing a platform for pupils to challenge themselves and others, so they can become the best they can be and contribute actively to society.
Creativity: Providing pioneering, vibrant and transformative learning experiences that are open to all. Offering a well-researched and evaluated curriculum, which acts as the catalyst for personal growth.
Culture: Respecting and celebrating diversity, enriching the lives of our pupils. Providing inspiration to participate in, and respond to, artistic and cultural experiences.
Collaboration: Working effectively and harmoniously together across phases, knowing our strengths will influence every step of our development, and celebrating our successes.
Community: Building a sense of belonging in a reflective and stimulating environment. Celebrating care, kindness and difference, allowing positive relationships to flourish and ensuring communication is excellent.
Character: Nurturing and developing personal attributes such as perseverance, resilience, confidence, optimism, tolerance, respect, community spirit, honesty, integrity and dignity.
Courage: Committing to challenge racial and social injustice and to promote personal and societal change. Making decisions based on clear high moral values and delivered with compassion and integrity.