With over forty members from both secondary and primary phases, TELA aims to cover all of the teaching School areas to impact on local learner outcomes. We are a not for profit organisation with learners at the heart, firmly focussed on achieving excellence.
Our TELA School Direct PGCE offers accredited initial secondary teacher training in established partnership with the University of Leicester, Loughborough University, and University of Warwick. For those wishing to make an informed decision about teacher training or take advantage of high quality classroom experience to support an application for teacher training, our successful School Experience placements offer a variety of volunteer experience targeted at those wishing to enter the profession.
Accredited as a National Teaching School in 2013, we constantly build on our existing menu of teacher training courses to offer extensive continual professional development opportunities within our local alliance and across Leicestershire, run in collaboration with education, community, local authority and university partners. Our TELA CPD offer incorporates leadership and pedagogical development for newly qualified teachers and recently qualified teachers through the full range of middle leaders roles to Heads and Senior Leaders conferences and networks. We also offer a range of targeted networks as well as projects and meetings responding to short term needs. Talent Management and leadership pathways form an important part of our training and development menu and we are one of only forty nationally accredited deliverers of the NPQ qualifications, offering NPQML, NPQSL and NPQH.